Example sentences of "[verb] i of my " in BNC.

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1 Yes they 've stripped me of my cash for tonight .
2 The French Officer gets us all out of the ditch and the march continues for about four or five hours , then , during a rest in the wood , I fall asleep , my face among the leaves reminding me of my home in Scotland .
3 ‘ But , for your information , Doreen is no longer reminding me of my mother .
4 ‘ That you 're keen to finish what you started in St Lucia , so you 'd like to rid me of my inconvenient hang-ups ? ’
5 It 's still not gon na relive me of my vocal duties , though . ’
6 My aggressiveness towards the adults around me for putting me in such an invidious position was certainly unacknowledged and unconscious , and had my sisters not told me of my bullying tactics — which I had conveniently forgotten — it is likely that I should not be able to acknowledge it even now .
7 ‘ Your Grace , ’ she said quickly , ‘ even a year may deprive me of my best prospects .
8 The white tube , the cork-effect filter , the solid hot flare of the match and my lips tell me of my lungs as I make my own smoke , with its blue drifting and acrid smell .
9 Tell me of my brother . ’
10 Do n't you think she 'll cure me of my wickedness , Jane ?
11 She gently tells me of my mistakes , and praises me if I do well .
12 I detest the armoured , air-conditioned truck that deprived me of my final opportunity to desecrate the holy relic that is ‘ Guernica ’ .
13 She had not asked me of my previous experiences .
14 Fergus held his breath ; he thought : now will she tell me of my parents ?
15 ‘ He robbed me of my childhood ’
16 Because of you and the things you said — you were the one who robbed me of my confidence .
17 ‘ You , ’ said Scarlet , ‘ sometimes remind me of my mum . ’
18 ‘ They remind me of my masks . ’
19 Actually you remind me of my fucking Triumph
20 The smell of couscous and other grain which filled the air constantly reminded me of my own situation .
21 I was glad to hear the accent , for it reminded me of my exciting days in Northern Ireland , recounted elsewhere .
22 I was fond of her , she reminded me of my own kid back home .
23 ‘ You reminded me of my mother , darling . ’
24 Pat always reminded me of my own shape — a reasonably well proportioned figure but very heavy on the hips and thighs .
25 It was projected by a thin young student at a concert where I was trying to do my performance , and it reminded me of my intentional projection of wrong words at the English Teacher when I was at school .
26 She reminded me of my mother because , coincidentally , she was also a middle-aged , Australian woman .
27 They reminded me of my patient , Cedric , and in an instant I was back in Darrowby answering the telephone .
28 The song reminded me of my ex-wife , only the group were trying for wistful melancholy and my associations were screaming nightmare .
29 She reminded me of my mother when I ( or she ) was very young ; the perfume upon my mother 's neck when she leaned over to say goodnight , a pearl of jade clinking warmly and lightly upon my chest , Mommy on her way to the Village Gate , to meet some dark Europeans , to catch an excellent set of jazz .
30 As I escorted Marinka to the Oasis Arena in the torrential rain , the scene of mimose reminded me of my halcyon days at .
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