Example sentences of "[verb] i [adv prt] of " in BNC.

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1 Erm , I found out today , that I did n't realise she 'd actually passed a c , a beautician 's course , so I do n't know why she 's taught me out of all , has n't taught me how to go on .
2 ‘ And you know very well that once you are gone Miss Araminta will throw me out of the house . ’
3 ‘ Why is it that when I do fall , it has to be for a termagant who drives me out of my head ?
4 There was sense in which , it was n't really in Pilate 's hands , because Jesus had said to him , if I wanted I would speak to my father , he would send ten legions of angels and they would deliver me out of your hands , Pilate , you have no power over me .
5 ‘ Good night , gentlemen ! ’ he called out merrily , and humming a hymn , led me out of the room .
6 He got me out of the stream and a bit further back from the drop to our right .
7 The way I viewed training was that it got me out of the house .
8 He often got me out of bed , late on an evening , to run an errand .
9 Everything went wrong , but she got me out of trouble .
10 Then they stopped , got me out of the car , still with my bloody hood on , and ripped my clothes off . ’
11 Any excuse got me out of the office .
12 My mother got me out of the room .
13 Well , the old chap come and got me out of school that morning to take this horse to Norwich .
14 ‘ You got me out of gaol .
15 It got me out of clearing tables for a living , but I thought it meant more than that .
16 ‘ They got me out of the ward and put me under a sheet in this side room .
17 In fairness to him , Con was kinder than that , even when he got me out of the secretaryship last year .
18 ‘ It got me out of the way while you put your nasty little heads together ! ’
19 ‘ When I thanked you just now , by the way , it was because you got me out of the boat before I hit the water this time . ’
20 No I backed the first winner today and that got me out of trouble .
21 But since he 's been up here , he 's been eating me out of house and home and he does n't pay for it
22 It was the Officer who had turfed me out of the church yesterday when I was playing the bagpipes .
23 Any road , you 'll have to carry me out of here feet first , I reckon . "
24 " You helped stop me getting the directorship , now you want to drive me out of the Lab . "
25 Skipper Kim Barnett tells me : ‘ There was a time when the opposition used to like me out of the way quickly because I had a reputation for getting after the bowling .
26 ‘ Khan , it 's clear that you want me out of Kinsai .
27 ‘ You want me out of the way before Adam arrives .
28 ‘ I 'm going to bed , and if you want me out of here in the morning you 're going to have to throw me out , bodily , just as I am .
29 If , I say , if you want me out of the kitchen just say so , I do n't want to be under your feet .
30 Well I says to Lindsey , said if you ever want me out of that hospital Lindsey you 'd better start and be good .
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