Example sentences of "[verb] i [art] way " in BNC.

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1 I came here today to have a look but I did n't think it would affect me the way it has .
2 So although I did n't like him touching me the way he had , I decided not to tell anybody .
3 I was just home from Germany and he asked me the way .
4 ‘ It 's not on at all for a brother-in-law to treat me the way you treat me .
5 You certainly did n't seem to like me the way I was ! ’
6 Touch me the way you touch Ryan . ’
7 ‘ If it goes as we expect , then your task , when they are close enough , is to split me a way into the ranks of the two central battles of pikemen . ’
8 Oh , God , she prayed silently , show me a way to let him know how wrong he is .
9 Show me the way to go home ’ bawled the four-year-old as she flew back to Britain five months after Pittsburgh surgeons saved her life with a 16-hour liver and bowel swop .
10 Then the cheeky four-year-old showed off by singing her favourite song — the drinker 's ditty Show Me The Way To Go Home .
12 McKechnie lists specifically food , drink , sex , attractive clothing ; labour-saving machines and mechanical transport ; holidays and leisure activities ; so called ‘ high ’ culture — music , art , literature , etc. — and so called ‘ pop ’ culture — in which he includes the singing of old Tin Pan Alley songs , such as ‘ Show Me the Way to Go Home ’ , in public houses run by the big breweries .
13 ‘ Now show me the way . ’
14 The brave four-year-old beamed as she sang ‘ Show Me The Way To Go Home ’ .
15 I du n no if they told me the way — I can t remember , but I think it 's this way .
16 John Burns will show me a way out of the difficulty [ poverty ] I shall be delighted , but it seems to me that until then I must work ’ .
17 Could you show me the way out ? ’
18 ‘ I mean , if you can show me the way I will take you by car , ’ I said .
19 " Oh , Zora-djevojka , beautiful Dawn Maiden , wo n't you please show me the way to the sea-king 's palace ? "
20 If you could show me the way out- ’
21 ‘ I think , ’ he continued as if he could read my thoughts , ‘ logic has shown me a way to solve the murders of Selkirk and Ruthven . ’
22 Erm definitely savings , that 's something that er I never really thought about , it 's shown me a way to get some , some money together to buy , buy a boat which would be nice .
23 And this is what I think the dream is trying to tell me , a message so clear now you have shown me the way to understand these voices speaking to us from the hinterland , so to speak .
24 ‘ And if you do n't like me the way I am now , then that 's very easily remedied .
25 ‘ I 've a great deal to thank-you for , Edward , ’ he said , ‘ not many would have helped me the way you did or taken me in the way I looked that night . ’
26 The landlord showed me the way to the railway station and off I went .
27 She showed me the way to the Burma Road , and I set off up the wooded slope behind the house .
28 Wemmick , Mr Jaggers ' clerk , showed me the way to Mr Pocket 's rooms .
29 ‘ The robin showed me the way , Ben , ’ she replied .
30 He showed me the way . ’
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