Example sentences of "[verb] to him [art] " in BNC.

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1 Minter , had he but known it , was right as well as wrong : right that Harry was running short of cash , wrong if he believed that currently mattered to him a jot .
2 It would be helpful to David Wilson to know if either of the organisations named above or any other similar organisation has been in touch with you or any of your staff and also to indicate to him the nature of this contact and details of what was being offered .
3 Such is the notion uncritically entertained in the Alliance Report : competing candidates of the same party would make clear their differences on policy issues , and on the balanced slate so presented to him the voter would pick and choose .
4 He has us in fits and the funny thing was we were sat listening to him the other night , all having us dinner , we 're sat at table and it was ever so quiet listening to him and he sort of erm he mimics the other bird
5 According to him an emphasis on processes makes such great demands upon the teacher ( an insight gained when he was director of the Humanities Curriculum Project ) that any proposal for curriculum development should be regarded as tentative , having the status of an hypothesis to be tested by teachers in their own classrooms .
6 According to him the universe sprang from fire and will end in fire .
7 Six months ago , we put to him the problem of single-union agreements and he dismissed it .
8 Again there came to him a sense of how small a town of some eighty-five thousand people really was .
9 The instinctive warning came to him a few minutes after he had cleared a small brook in an easy leap , and resumed the even rhythm of his distance-eating stride .
10 However , he was also imbued with papal influences that came to him no doubt from his Roman and " papal " background , from Pope Gregory VII and from St Bernard in his tremendously important address to Eugenius III .
11 When Robert II of Flanders passed Christmas at St Omer , ‘ there came to him the dukes , the counts , the lords of many regions , nobles and knights from the whole of Flanders , and many French bishops ’ .
12 We are told that the hermit was once sitting alone in his cell after dinner when there came to him the lady of the house … and many persons with her , and found him writing rapidly .
13 ‘ The defendant had been personally negligent in that he had failed to take such steps and make such inquiries as would have revealed to him the defects in his structure and the risks of fire thereby occasioned . ’
14 I 'll leave you to talk to him a minute .
15 Mafouz , a tiny , pale , Egyptian boy , had said to him a week or so ago , ‘ Sir — I am not allowed television .
16 Even her timidity seemed to him a sham .
17 The law seemed to him a mountainous cloud , compacted of these rank and ever increasing hyphae , sprawling over the buildings in which her exigences were met , pouring herself into every drawer , lying on every shelf , saturating every ledger , every record with her must , coating all like a mould and growing by eating that on which it grows .
18 It passed almost at once and gave place to what seemed to him an assumed and slightly truculent indifference , but it had been there .
19 Strange as it may now seem , the primacy of Canterbury seemed to him an immovable feature which guaranteed the firmness of the whole structure .
20 Hippolytus composed a strange book entitled the Refutation arguing the dependence of a row of Gnostic sects upon a row of pagan philosophers , and finally turning his weapons on Callistus , who seemed to him the abomination of desolation sitting where he ought not .
21 He had even provided , as an antagonist to North , a fictional member of the NSC , ‘ Aaron Sykes ’ , whose job it was to give flesh and voice to those invisible and voiceless colleagues who had presumably tried to dissuade North from what he was doing : to appear , as the Laws appeared to Socrates , ‘ humming in his ears ’ , about the offence he would cause to country , friends and laws if he did what seemed to him the right thing .
22 Boutros Ghali , last Monday , I took the opportunity to suggest to him the need for more action in Somalia .
23 It 's because you like him a little too much — or , to be honest , you 're drawn to him a little too fiercely .
24 John Lehmann had such confidence in Minton 's design sense that when he handed to him the typescript of Elizabeth David 's A Book of Mediterranean Food he gave him carte blanche to do as he liked with it .
25 ‘ I 'd talked to him a year ago — and we just kept in touch .
26 Talked to him a week before he died .
27 It was to hound and hasten Leonard 's waking thoughts , eliminate any residual interest he may have possessed in mere intellectual commitment , and open to him the stark reality of life downtown .
28 Forced to depart from Suxavat by its apocalyptic destruction , Urim 's final journey to the Andes reveals to him the mirror-image of the Hindu Kush of his origins .
29 He was Otto I 's brother , and his biographer was not slow to apply to him the biblical phrase , ‘ a royal priesthood ’ .
30 But we also attribute to him the power to mediate between those same concerns and the hostile forces of disease .
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