Example sentences of "[verb] to them that " in BNC.

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1 Some people probably think I take too long to decide such matters , but I can demonstrate to them that sometimes by giving people a reasonable length of time to adjust they come through with flying colours .
2 Well what a lot of people say on the course is I know it 's my responsibility , but I always , I do n't always have the time to train because there 's a lot of backlog , there 's a lot of pressure , it 's and we all say to them that training is like a catch twenty two situation .
3 ‘ no steps were taken [ by the clerk ] to ensure that either of the defendants was aware of the nature or effect of the documents they were signing , and no suggestion was made to them that independent legal advice ought to be sought .
4 It did not occur to them that , together , they could overpower the pair .
5 Similarly , lawyers can waste an enormous amount of time on irrelevant issues because it seems to them that certain trivial points ought to be important .
6 Not that you were dissimulating unfelt emotions : you were merely their translator , and you transcended those emotions , imparting to them that furnace heat which makes a work of genius give off light if it is brought to the desired temperature .
7 It was also indicated to them that while on the grade they would perform a limited range of duties as defined in a list which was published at that time .
8 ‘ I will never stand in your way ! ’ she cried to them that evening in the bedroom .
9 But far too many listen only rarely to their children and have little to say to them that is not punitive .
10 And I have to explain to them that , although it is now customary for every individual member to contest the deputy leadership , it is not yet compulsory under rule . ’
11 To Arnold the term philistine implied the idea of something stiff-necked and perverse in its resistance to light — ‘ and therein it specially suits our middle class , who not only do not pursue sweetness and light , but who even prefer to them that sort of machinery of business , chapels , tea-meetings and addresses from Mr Murphy , which makes up the dismal and illiberal life on which I have so often touched ’ .
12 I would say to them that now is the time to contact the police .
13 If somebody says you do n't wan na be rushed , right , that 's what you 've got ta say to them that 's just what that old dear was saying the other day , right you certainly understand that , right , you agree with them , first thing you do you always agree with them , right and then you 've just got the same sequence as I want to think about it , but just sort of make it clear , I mean what is it they actually , you know , frightened of being rushed into ?
14 The anxiety of the papal reformers to put all clergy under a rule shows that experience suggested to them that celibacy could only be enforced on monks or folk living a quasi-monastic life .
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