Example sentences of "[verb] to you for " in BNC.

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1 Lord Jesus Christ , you have promised perfect liberty to those who trust you ; we cry to you for those who are at this moment enslaved by their need to take drugs .
2 Lord , you are the source of peace ; we cry to You for peace in our world ; daily we see and hear of strife within nations , of tensions between states , of violence being done by men against men ; we are sad Lord , and know that You are sad too .
3 We know that you are sad to see so many disputes between different parts of your family and we cry to you for unity and harmony between brothers and sisters .
4 For example , if someone gave as their hobbies on their CV only reading and chess , and they were applying to you for a job where they would be working with the public , might you not have doubts about that person ?
5 Er today we 're going to look at this Policy E two , the op open countryside , and there are presented to you for the discussion three matters .
6 May I speak to you for a moment ? ’ he asked in a lower tone .
7 And she said well I 'm not gon na speak to you for the rest of the week then .
8 I have n't written to you for ages have I ?
9 That is why I came to you for advice . ’
10 I do n't want to listen to you for ever . ’
11 But please , I just want to talk to you for a little while .
12 I would like to talk to you for a minute or two . ‘
13 ‘ My — my English is not too good , you understand , but I would like to be able to talk to you for a while . ’
14 I wanted to talk to you for the whole journey , but I could n't let you know that , so I just sat there thinking , I 've got to touch her …
15 I am writing to you for information about the kind of courses I read about in the article on the Features Page of last week 's Daily Telegraph which gave the address of your organization .
16 I represent the 17th Waltham Forest Company of the Boys Brigade and am writing to you for help .
17 These I shall send to you for harsh criticism and very helpful suggestions re set . ’
18 Like , I 'd say to a young officer , maybe just out of the depot [ training centre ] , if a old lady calls you for assistance to her , you 're a police officer and she will look to you for help , ad we have to leave people with a certain level of satisfaction .
19 Now you suspected she 'd been lying to you for thirteen years .
20 On 16th April 1973 the estate agents had written to the defendants drawing attention to the existence of the counter-inflationary measures then in force and concluding with the sentence : ‘ I would also confirm that should you be successful in acquiring these premises then it will be necessary for us to look to you for payment of our fees as based on the commercial scales of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors . ’
21 Even if you are working or have been away from the University for more than two years you can still have Current Vacancies mailed to you for a small charge .
22 ‘ Call yourself Mamur Zapt and you ca n't do anything when the woman you claim you love pleads to you for justice ? ’
23 I 'm surprised he stuck to you for as long as he did . ’
24 You may not feel this will apply to you for some time .
25 CHARLES CLIFFE needs little introduction having been known to you for his splendid writing and demonstrations .
26 Right , after the six thirty news sequence which is coming up directly , we 'll be talking about a fascinating report in the January edition of She magazine , about house guests who may well be coming to you for Christmas , and who may well outstay their welcome .
27 Aye have a look , while you 're doing that I 'll have a look at what bits and pieces see if I talk to you for a minute about these
28 Right , so I mean obviously if there 's anything that comes up as you go along I 've got ta be able to you know you and I , I 'll just chat it through , but when it comes to things like er me talk to you , sales talk to you for instance about a comparative question , you would n't know what I was talking about would you ?
29 Well that 's what he wanted to apologize to you for .
30 Usually they are quite capable of doing this for themselves , but if your elderly parent turns to you for advice on financial matters your main aims should be : I. To make sure that she is receiving all the State benefits and pensions to which she may be entitled .
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