Example sentences of "[verb] to she [art] " in BNC.

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1 Before they had parted on the Flamingo she had given Ernest the name of the boardinghouse where the Carsons had made arrangements to stay , and he had promised to write to her the minute he and Charlotte arrived at their destination .
2 Try to make her understand how other people feel by putting herself in their shoes ; by that , I do n't mean hitting her over the head yourself , but explaining to her the pain of the other child when she hit him .
3 Here was this young creature , beautiful and restless , married to a man almost old enough to be her grandfather , and apparently setting out to make the very best of it , too , with no signs of regret or self-pity ; but the prospect of having a girl of her own age in the house , even for a few days , might well matter to her a great deal more than the extension and acceptance of a mere conventional politeness .
4 According to her the material objects of the world provide the common source of that knowledge .
5 According to her the dogs are not a nuisance and she wo n't pay the fine .
6 When all else failed , or it simply appealed to her a woman could always turn to the ranks for employment .
7 ‘ I speak to her every Sunday on the telephone , ’ said Libby .
8 Before they left I could not forbear to draw Gillian closer and impart to her the glittering counsel that wearing 501s with trainers was frankly un désastre and that I was amazed she had walked the streets to my apartment in broad daylight and escaped pillory .
9 The word stirred her , and she recalled what her mother had said to her the previous day : that Cork had been her home all her life , with no suffering and no want — a safe and secure home .
10 What had the vacillating vamp said to her the last time they were together ?
11 She also made him promise the usual things like writing to her every day and keeping warm .
12 Was writing to her the nearest he could be ?
13 It seemed to her a precious gift , far more than just an alleviation of present discomfort .
14 As she read on , day after day , often by candlelight , through St Matthew and St Mark and on to St Luke and St John it seemed to her a message was reaching her and that message was that she must face her own wickedness .
15 Going out to tea always seemed to her a waste of time , but to refuse might have seemed churlish , and she knew that in the country one ought to be friends with one 's neighbours .
16 Staring through the streaming window , Nell gritted her teeth every time the bows pushed out over the top of a big wave , only to hang in space before dropping away into the sixty-odd feet of the following trough that seemed to her a mile deep .
17 The short process of giving birth to a baby seemed to her a triviality compared to the long haul of rearing it that lay ahead .
18 Northam Station seemed to her a peculiarly lovely spot for such an embarkation .
19 The Comédie Française did not impress her either , for it seemed to her a collection of posturing gabbling shadows , mocking at plays that she had studied in tranquillity and silence : the celebrated mirrors of Versailles were all spotty , Notre-Dame looked at her as though it had two spires missing from on top , and the famous intellectual cafés were full of old men and tourists .
20 More likely is that she wrote down ( accurately ) the beginning , remembered the sound of the end , and linked them together in what seemed to her a possible sequence .
21 One lunchtime Minton , wearing what seemed to her a hideous sweater knitted for him by his mother , sat opposite her in the school restaurant .
22 It seemed to her a happy coincidence that Robert ( she thought of him now as Robert ) should write inviting her to Yorkshire for the weekend .
23 After the ornateness of The Towers , the simple lines of the Hall always seemed to her a little ordinary , but nice .
24 It seemed to her a wonderful invention , making far more of a single egg than any British concoction , easily digestible , tasting rich , sweet and thoroughly sustaining .
25 The basement cattery seemed to her a sinister place , though she knew that the animals were most lovingly tended by Miss Pettigrew .
26 They were nearly into the spa town , and were waiting while a trolley-bus took right of way , when she saw no reason not to ask what seemed to her a perfectly natural question .
27 It was a rough crossing , and most people were rather quiet , and a few were vomiting over the railings and indeed all over the upper-deck , but Clara had never felt better , and the rough lurching seemed to her an added attraction .
28 So delightfully muzzy was she that it seemed to her the night in Nice had never happened …
29 She begins by recalling a remark made to her a long time ago by Larkin , about difficulties encountered in his private life — a remark which consisted of a joke to do with ‘ the impossibility of relations between men and women ’ , followed by the notion that ‘ women ought really to marry each other ’ , followed by ‘ but that would be wrong , would n't it ? ’
30 Rain murmured to her an unconvincing : ‘ It 's all right . ’
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