Example sentences of "[verb] in [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , a risk may be perceived , especially in regard to small business audits where the marking of client records might assist in accounts preparation .
2 Media training courses run by the Press and Parliamentary Unit continued to attract in numbers lawyers seeking to improve their publicity skills .
3 The most obvious answer lies in careers services and counselling .
4 Silence as though relief , when suddenly with a creaking and ghostly groaning the lid slid as if off and up sat a terrible apparition with outstretched hand screeching in a hollow voice , give me my gift with such violence , that some of the company fell into the water and had to be saved , and those on the shore scrambled in allways confusion was everywhere .
5 They have achieved notable publicity in some areas , such as the issues of deaths occurring in police custody and government economic strategy , but there is no possibility that they could achieve a significance equal to that of the United States congressional committees .
6 This restraint expected in police hair was clearly illustrated in a large poster exhibited in the Northumbria police training department in the early 1980s , which ordered : ‘ male hair will be clear of the collar … [ and ] sideburns will not extend below the centre of the ear … ’ .
7 Several schools also had a Wolf Cub pack , many of which excelled in sports meetings against other Wolf Cub packs .
8 This is now where the Saunders family spend most of their time , for the elegant period living rooms they created in pre-quads days are hardly the ideal environment for the boisterous rough and tumble of four 4-year-olds .
9 God 's Gift Mine , it was recognised , lay conveniently near to the Brigham smelters enabling ore deliveries to be maintained throughout the winter months whereas the other ores " further distant , can not be brought to the said smelting house , but in the sumer only … you may therefore consider how farr forth those Mynes soe farr distant may bee sett upon with good strength in sumer and what number of kibbles will weekly be gotten and towards winter when that will faile , to drive those pickmen from there to work in Gods gift , if the winter shall not hinder untill we may be furnished either out of Germainie or our own Nation with a sufficient number of pickmen to man all the works thoroughly & withall to consider whether the Myne of Gods Gift be not so plentifull as some other new Stolnes ( G. Stollen — tunnel , adit etc. ) or head ( possibly a forerunner of our word " heading " ) may be driven thereby to gitt the like weekly pportion ( proportion ) as hath formerly been gotten there . "
10 And Reverend David Brian is the curate at Christ Church at Abingdon , but he used to work in Saints Mary and John Church area .
11 If you want in Colossians chapter one in verse twenty seven , it 's , it 's given again very simply , again can I use J B Phillips , he puts it like this , he says the secret is simply this , Christ in you yes he says Christ in you , bringing with him the hope of all the glorious things to come , so what God does he comes in to this situation that 's marred that 's warped , that 's twisted and he comes in by himse , Jesus Christ comes into it , he becomes the central point , the focal point and that circle , it starts to get dealt with , that marred twisted like , it does n't happen being like that , we knew creation straight away , we do n't have to work at that , but he , as we allow him to dwell in us and to work out his purpose , he restores that relationship with God and God starts to fashion us , he starts to work on us and bring us back into how he originally created us .
12 Cases have been most frequently reported in dogs houses in kennels with damp hay or straw bedding and the lesions , usually confined to areas of the body in contact with the ground , show hair loss , erythema , and pustule formation if infected with bacteria .
13 ANCAs of IgA class have been reported in Hennoch-Schönleins purpura and IgA nephropathy , although these findings are sometimes explained by the presence of rheumatoid factor .
14 A latent violence — which also surfaced in police treatment of suffragettes — pervaded the work of Belfort Bax , a leading socialist , who warned that suffragists had foregone the right to male protection and should be treated accordingly .
15 That black youth dying in police custody has not helped .
16 Howard Holmes does , and it is included in Owls Trivia ( £2.80 , from Sheffield Trivia , 286 Meadowhead , S8 7UH ) .
17 It is possible that in rare circumstances shares will be classified as non-equity shares in accordance with the requirements of the [ draft ] FRS although they fall within the definition of equity share capital contained in companies legislation .
18 More detailed information on the quality of the pile materials used by individual countries and weaving groups is contained in Chapters V , VI and VII .
19 More detailed information on the designs and colours favoured by each country and individual group is contained in Chapters V , VI , and VII .
20 Clearly , the computer provided the ideal way to process the mass of information contained in personnel records in offices and depots all over the United Kingdom .
21 During the initial development of root definitions these factors should be considered in systems terms only , otherwise the analyst may just relate them to the subject organisation , overlooking other individuals or groups who contribute to the system as defined .
22 VOLUNTEERS are to be paid £10 each to stand in police identity parades at Dunstable , Beds .
23 The starting point for each of them is to ascertain from the appropriate table of retail price indices covering the period between service of writ and trial what would have been the equivalent of those damages in the money of the day at the date of service of writ , reckoned in pounds sterling at the higher value that they then stood at at the very beginning of the period for which simple interest is to be given .
24 But writers want to redraft only when they are concerned enough about their work to want to improve it ; a good deal of the writing done in schools pupils would not wish to redraft , because it is n't important enough to them .
25 And so on to the shop — ‘ hey … they 're selling stuff here ! ’ — and the cafe , the Casablanca Club , where a second voice murmurs , as it may well have done in arts centre days but certainly wo n't when the family visitor attraction becomes reality , ‘ a cup of coffee ? … pastry ? … hashish ? ’
26 Much RE writing in the past 20 years or so has centred on the raising of ultimate questions , and there has also been an insistence on developing in pupils skills of understanding and of handling these questions .
27 THE Government is to carry out a study into the number of children injured in fireworks accidents .
28 contribution , the havoc that it is causing in terms of non-collection rates and the administrative difficulties that it is causing in magistrates courts ?
29 Just as farmers accidentally produce opportunities for diseases and parasites , so work environments are exploited in ways management did not intend .
30 He insists that in the last analysis there is a fundamental difference between believing in ahi , even though it is not possible to behave non-violently in all life 's circumstances , and believing in hi sā .
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