Example sentences of "[verb] to [pron] as " in BNC.

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1 But that we become committed to it as the way to save the country and the peace appears to me full of dangers . ’
2 It was n't as if she was attracted to him as an individual .
3 But there is , perhaps , one crucial objection to the constructivist 's claim that moving the focus away from mental representations and towards mental actions will make the mind-body problem appear to us as less of a problem .
4 The longer wavelengths reflected by , for example , the leaves of trees in autumn , appear to us as reds and oranges , while the shorter wavelengths which reach our eyes from the ocean we see as greens and blues .
5 They then appear to us as what a classical physicist would call waves , such as waves of light or gravitational waves .
6 If she had had it in her power to change anything in that one moment , it would be for Matthew to come to her as a friend .
7 He tries to convey to her the vital importance that their complex relationship has to him as a counterpoint to his work on the New Jerusalem .
8 Tony Visconti : ‘ At that time , we had gone into the studio to record ‘ The Man Who Sold The World ’ , and the horrible thing that was happening to me as a producer , the nightmare of my life , was that David and Angela were becoming totally entwined and enraptured with each other .
9 What was happening to my body — not only the changes brought about by puberty , but the fact that the clothes it wore and the food it consumed were chosen for it by someone else — was a metaphor for what was happening to me as a whole person .
10 ‘ Alex is a natural leader and I wanted the others to begin relating to him as the captain as soon as possible , ’ said the national coach .
11 The word of Jesus had come to her as a great challenge .
12 It had come to him as a blinding revelation when he was but a small child .
13 Now frankly , an admiral who does n't pick his own bombing targets and a broker who ca n't choose his own investments do n't seem as oppressed to me as a clerk who is n't allowed to press her own return key .
14 He mockingly referred to himself as Sir Tone and said : ‘ My wife is much more thrilled about it than I am .
15 He referred to himself as le prisonnier .
16 He referred to himself as a Glasgow businessman .
17 Founded in 1878 , the CBS was one of a network of societies which in those days provided not only private financial insurance against adversity but social fellowship in regional lodges , where members referred to themselves as " brothers " .
18 Prince and Starky also referred to themselves as the ‘ Two Anointed Ones ’ .
19 To my mind that clinched the connection with Pegasus Farm , the Winged Pegasus being the emblem of the Parachute Regiment which used to be called the Red Berets ( when Richard Todd was making films ) but nowadays ( since American Football and Rambo ) referred to themselves as the Maroon Machine .
20 After all we were all leading aircraftsmen on the course and the officer element were acting pilot officers on probation who generally referred to themselves as the lowest form of animal life within the RAF .
21 Reynes was an acquaintance of the diarist Samuel Pepys , who referred to him as ‘ a willing man , ready to co-operate in plans for the Navy ’ , and ‘ one who understands and loves a play as well as I , and I love him for it ’ .
22 Handloom weaving was an important cottage industry at the time and Charles was sent to Kilbarchan in Renfrewshire to learn the trade ; that was why Robert Burns referred to him as ‘ Wabster ( weaver ) Charlie ’ in the poem Epistle to James Tennant .
23 They referred to him as ‘ David ’ and emphasised that he had to catch a plane back to London at midnight .
24 He infuriated Pilger , who referred to him as Sutton 's ‘ butler ’ .
25 Katrine never saw the pusher but they referred to him as ‘ Baffetti ’ .
26 Some referred to him as the Furie ; some as Zach or Zacho or Mr Zee ; others called him Gentle , which was the name she knew him by , of course ; still others John the Divine .
27 At first he was surprised at this and only when they referred to him as an ‘ adult ’ did he realize that some time in the previous weeks the last of his juvenile plumage had moulted and his wings now had the rich and glossy glow of an adult golden eagle .
28 Lewis referred to him as ‘ a man martyred for his belief in the destiny of his country , a man whose worst fault was that his courage outran his prudence ’ .
29 Fred Archer referred to him as a ‘ pretty ’ jockey .
30 He referred to me as his ‘ Princess ’ and I referred to him as ‘ the Prince ’ !
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