Example sentences of "[verb] to [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Top BBC leaders rally to defence of Birt
2 People 's propensity to misjudge the context of a reference is an indication of their willingness to assimilate the situations they encounter to paradigms of thought and action with which they are familiar , however misleading or falsifying this process of assimilation might be .
3 I believe that the Christian faith provides us with a unique perspective on matters of political economy which is not con fined to issues of personal honesty and motivation , but which is also related to the basic institutions and goals of our societies .
4 Now Rotherham coroner Stanley Hooper is to write to President of the Board of Trade Michael Heseltine .
5 And we 're really having to struggle to sort of make ends meet .
6 The Law Society was striking various poses in 1968 and 1969 , but from apparently implacable opposition to the original scheme of salaried solicitors contemplated in the 1949 Act ( to depart from the alternative system adopted in 1959 would be ‘ a serious mistake ’ ) and the proposals of Justice for All , it moved to acceptance of salaried solicitors as part of its own proposals for an Advisory Liaison Service .
7 BP was among the many leading companies and other organisations that contributed to deliberations of the committee .
8 erm I do n't think our culture is the worst that 's ever been and I think there 's a tendency sometimes to try to sort of overstate that .
9 It supposes that the community as a whole can be committed to principles of fairness or justice or procedural due process in some way analogous to the way particular people can be committed to convictions or ideals or projects , and this will strike many people as bad metaphysics .
10 We think it would be a mistake to try and establish any ‘ consensual ’ version of feminism or of feminist philosophy because we are committed to exploration of the beliefs and views we hold , even the ones which at present seem indisputable .
11 ( b ) An executor or administrator for trespasses committed to goods of the deceased after his death but before probate is granted to the executor or before the administrator takes out letters of administration .
12 They feared that if the union fund was too heavily committed to payment of ‘ friendly benefits ’ , insufficient would remain in the fund to finance industrial action .
13 It was also something of a reassurance to conservative waverers frightened of political radicalism ; the Council was committed to evangelization of the Christian gospel .
14 Although the party is committed to freedom of information and devolution , it is not interested in proportional representation which would revitalise the political system .
15 In the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries this reforming enthusiasm was channelled into the foundation of Orders more oriented towards service of the whole community — the mendicant Dominicans and Franciscans were travelling preachers and the Augustinian Canons ( known as Austin Friars ) were committed to lives of pastoral service .
16 Unlike our sisters and brothers overseas , who are committed to programmes of human resource development , leadership programmes , our work in this field has gone largely unsupported by training in the skills needed to motivate and conscientize others .
17 We have always been committed to programmes of investigation … and we always will be in the future .
18 There does seem to be a case , therefore , for some work in initial training to be based on a general language section or sub- department which is committed to presentation of language issues , and considering their relevance in schools and other institutions .
19 Leonard , born in 1864 , educated in Germany in the 1880s , and committed to ideals of international friendship and socialism .
20 The ES is firmly committed to equality of opportunity for everyone .
21 Consequently , as Needham has pointed out , in so far as Chinese natural philosophy ‘ was committed to thinking of time in separate compartments or boxes , perhaps it was more difficult for a Galileo to arise who should uniformise time into an abstract geometrical co-ordinate , a continuous dimension amenable to mathematical handling ’ .
22 It is surprising that higher education libraries have not become more fully committed to aspects of the teaching of study skills , for various reasons .
23 In Minor award schools this management dimension was less significant , the smaller award confirming such positive trends as a good librarian , a history of sound internal funding , the enthusiasm of a core of teachers and at least one or two departments committed to aspects of resource-assisted learning .
24 Seaweeds grow to depths of about 100 m ; below that level plants are rare , but the sea-bed is thinly carpeted with animals that live in or on the mud and feed on the rain of debris from above .
25 Mr Waigel hopes that public-sector deficits ( including those of state and local governments ) will fall to 1% of GDP in 1997 from 5% this year .
26 He was wed to groups of two or three respectful Americans , not prides of culture-hungry Lionisers .
27 Presumably the working class were voting for the Labour Party since they saw it as their party and did not need to incentive of a party machine .
28 There is n't a list so that you will need to sort of think it through .
29 Rat-1 fibroblasts that constitutively express a chimaeric protein , comprising a full-length c-Myc polypeptide fused to part of the human oestrogen receptor ( Rat-1/c-Myc-ER cells ) , show demonstrable c-Myc activity only in the presence of β- oestradiol .
30 The history of forms in art has had some distinguished advocates , some of whom have been concerned with the transformation over time of one form to another ; others have been more attracted to problems of values , arguing either that styles in art change and decay , or that in a particular period there is an artistic will to produce work in a style of its own .
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