Example sentences of "[verb] of [art] long " in BNC.

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1 A popular choice for use on heavier wooden gates is the tee-hinge , consisting of a long strip attached to the gate and hinged to a cross piece which is screwed to the post .
2 A hedge position is a portfolio consisting of a long or short share and one or more of the available options on that share .
3 Pipe cutters consist of a long pair of handles , with a very heavy bicycle-chain-type construction with cutting wheels in the centre .
4 At the time of writing , the THORP plant is in fact nearing completion , and the Sellafield management is boasting of the long list of multimillion pound contracts it has already won to reprocess nuclear fuel from around the world .
5 Christian , who came of a long line of English country gentlemen whose only aesthetic investment was in bloodstock , was a maverick , and the despair of his family when Edouard first met him .
6 In the first chilly greyness of dawn , before the sun rose , Sergeant Comstock , of the uniformed branch , who came of a long line of native fishermen , not to say poachers , and knew his river as he knew the palm of his own hand , thankfully abandoned what he had always known was a useless patrol of the left bank downstream , and on his own responsibility borrowed one of his many nephews , and embarked with him in the coracle which was his natural means of personal transport on the Comer .
7 We were much pressed in argument with submissions that , although fraudulent conduct has become a serious social evil , there are other evils just as grave , or even graver , which have not attracted any special powers ; that if the reason for giving exceptional powers to the Serious Fraud Office is that many frauds involve complicated transactions which are difficult to unravel , then the same could be said of the long and complex trials ( for instance , arising from charges of affray , or of the importation and supply of prohibited drugs ) to which no such powers have been applied ; and that , moreover , the powers of the Office are made available even where the transactions in question are not complicated , since the Act applies to ‘ serious or complex fraud ’ — not ‘ serious and complex fraud . ’
8 It consisted of a long , narrow , steel spear head , with a long wooden shaft reinforced by strips of metal .
9 This consisted of a long or short shaft with a staple at the end , to which a chain was attached .
10 In a few hours I felt reborn and replete with new powers , washed clean and cured of a long sickness , finally ready to enter life with joy and vigour ; equally cured was suddenly the world around me , and exorcised the name and face of the woman who had gone down into the lower depths with me and had not returned .
11 The needles splinter the wind into dirges and laments that tell of the long and tragic history of the trees .
12 A Circular on this subject ( to appear in July 1965 as 10/65 , probably the best known of a long series of Ministry and Department of Education and Science circulars ) was already in draft , but Tony Crosland was anxious to improve it .
13 Perhaps we might have a look at things , at this stage , through the eyes of young Benjamin Titford , the youngest surviving son , left motherless at nine years old ; waving his big brother William Charles goodbye as he set off for London soon afterwards ; watching brother John cough himself into an early grave ; listening to endless conversations about high prices , shortages , and a war across the channel ; dragged out of his bed in the middle of the night to cries of ‘ Fire ! ’ and ‘ Flood ! ’ ; struggling to keep warm every winter ; watching his father die of a long illness — these experiences made his childhood , in modern terms , an awful , albeit a dramatic one .
14 This consists of a long line tied to one perch , which the bird is sitting on , stretching across the field to another perch , up to 120 feet away .
15 The uniform consists of a long split skirt called a hakama , a special armoured breastplate , a full head mask , and thickly padded gloves .
16 It consists of a long gentle curve of slightly shelving sand which often makes it possible to be only waist deep in warm , crystal clear water several hundred yards out .
17 She thought of the long , black car gliding up to the great white building where they were going to hold the conference that would put an end to war for ever .
18 We bid our farewells to all our new French friends and got into the car wearily , knowing of the long journey home .
19 When they complained of the long hours , Peckinpah had them fired .
20 ‘ I know , but just think of a long soak in a hot bath and a large soft bed to sleep on .
21 Full advantage had to be taken of the long daylight hours of midsummer and much of the ground could only be reached on foot .
22 From the serpentine turns of the road magnificent views are obtained of the long sierra ridge of the 2,199m ( 7,213ft ) high Hohgant , pride of the Emmental region .
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