Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] you [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But you 'll do n't you with it ?
2 So bearing all that in mind then , you sent exactly the wrong signal , did n't you with the elections to the Shadow Cabinet ?
3 Now , you worked for the erm the tenants ' action group , did n't you for a time ?
4 You did go to sleep did n't you for a long time ?
5 Why did n't you at least try to resuscitate her , give her the kiss of life ?
6 Right well you did n't actually get any objections so you couldn't 've handled them , you did n't mention about the prospect contacting the referrals prior to the being made er at the end you did actually bring up did n't you about the , the cricketer , is , is he a batsman then said he was a erm said he was a er all-rounder so you know I 'll , I 'll give you that
7 You , you 've left a message for Derek did n't you about his erm telly ?
8 You did finish all your dinner in the end did n't you after moaning on .
9 You know when you , you only just started your school did n't you after Christmas ?
10 that 's about that much wa shade did n't you around the house
11 they put everything do n't you at first when you go up there all the family there .
12 So you get to know people as well , do n't you at those things .
13 yeah why do n't you at thirteen ?
14 No I think white for here is best cos the sun is quite I mean you get quite a lot of sun do n't you on on on this side of the house .
15 I was thinking of doing a teddy but I thought I wanted sort of one , two or three things do n't you on the bottom ?
16 wait forty five minutes cos then you wan na catch all their er speaking do n't you on a tape ?
17 Right , well we want to make sure that you can get out to lunch sort of by , that 's running a bit fast that clock , we 'd like to get you out to lunch by about half past twelve otherwise you 'll end up being late do n't you with all the other people
18 Well it is , it 's different if you was , if you was starting from scratch I suppose you know , first baby you 're inclined to , you want everything new do n't you with these new
19 I think they 've put the one in front do n't you as a mistake ?
20 You , you , you have two do n't you for a sub base or just , you just have one do ya ?
21 Hang on they 're alright on the front , want another seven do n't you for Aaron ?
22 Why do n't you for Christ sake get on with it and hurry up now .
23 Well you know what the angle 's going to be at the centre already do n't you without
24 You know quite a few rules do n't you about punctuation that 's good .
25 And it 's also you know your first few days you sort of you , you become a leech do n't you to the person that you know , you know the person sitting next to you .
26 Yeah , only get more small chops anyway do n't you from that ?
27 You feel more confident do n't you in a group situation if you know exactly what people er er know or what they do n't know , cos there 's nothing worse is n't there than to go in and thinking they may already know this , I might be going in an teaching my grandmother to suck eggs here , I 'm not sure what they know about this .
28 Right exactly because you might you might have the client or a representative of the client as well as architects and people who would so you have to be careful do n't you in terms of using the right words .
29 Did you listen , erm , and oh you have er City on do n't you in the week ?
30 Yes , because you 've got 4 phones now have n't you on 2477 , two downstairs and two up .
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