Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 DRAWING IN on time and to budget , Bovis Construction have handed over Waterloo International , the UK 's first international rail terminus to serve channel tunnel passengers .
2 Outstanding incompatibilities not resolved by the ABI — and there is little doubt that different look and feels will still prevail — are to be addressed by a streamlined porting environment that can be whittled down over time as more features are incorporated into the ABI .
3 The graphs are un-cluttered and broken down into time , weight and distance categories .
4 It seemed to me that the theatre I wanted to work in from time to time was the British theatre , so I have never contemplated living in America .
5 I wandered in from time to time looking , usually , for something which was out of print or which no other bookseller had come around to stocking .
6 Free neutrons are unstable , with a half-life of about 11 minutes , so as observed , the intensity drops off with time as the slower-moving neutrons had more time to decay .
7 Furthermore , a careful history and physical examination permit a confident diagnosis that stands up over time .
8 Implicitly , exit costs exceeded costs of entry , largely due to the sunk costs of contacts , reputation and privileged access to information on market movements ( on the demand side ) and expertise ( on the cost side ) built up over time .
9 The means by which this is done is through the ‘ schemes of experience ’ , such as typifications , recipes , and other idealizations which members build up over time and into which are allotted new experiences and encounters , rendering the unknown into the known , the unfamiliar into the familiar .
10 Every person or animal that follows the path seems to leave a trail of energy , and these energy paths build up over time .
11 Responding to Mrs Thatcher 's initiative is one way in which radicals build up over time an alternative election programme .
12 A knowledge of the context in which acts of sabotage occur — the lack of alternatives available to workers , the frustrations that build up over time — often shows sabotage to have been an understandable response .
13 Due to mechanical imperfections in the gyros of the inertial guidance equipment , errors build up with time , so the missile periodically updates its position with equipment known as TERCOM ( terrain contour matching ) .
14 To return to the example , the non-distressed parent may choose to make explicit to the friend her own thinking , such as ‘ well , the children do usually obey us and every parent gets wound up from time to time with their child ’ .
15 I know now I 'd never have caught up in time in my old car .
16 I had the strange feeling I was driving back in time , groping my way into a world of Inca and Chimú people , a world of great empires that built roads and temples and forts of mud on the coast and of cut stone in the Andes , stone that was dove-tailed to resist the trembling of its foundations when the earth quaked .
17 Even when published , aspects of APPN networking remain covered by IBM patents , and Data Connection says it is negotiating with the mainframe manufacturer and hopes to have this sorted out in time for the InterOp show later this month .
18 Nigel got most of the estate , but would be more than a little embarrassed by estate duty ; and provision for Jacqui and her baby would be sorted out in time .
19 Commercial users of grain such as brewers of beer or vinegar or producers of starch were also picked out from time to time .
20 She dare n't become pregnant , so he had to make sure to come out in time .
21 If putty is used ( as was common on older systems ) , this will dry out in time and the joint may leak .
22 If , on the other hand , implementation is not carried out in time or is not carried out adequately , three consequences may follow .
23 Rangers ' pitch will now be lifted at the earliest opportunity and a new one laid in its place , so long as the work can be carried out in time for the new season .
24 Louisa crashed back into time .
25 He was , was he just moved on from time to time , or were they voluntary moves ?
26 The dive time digits count down to time remaining before decompression , while the bar graph begins counting up — showing tissue loading .
27 The mug is advertised in The Guardian , although the ad was turned down by Time Out listings magazine .
28 But since the replicase is just a protein molecule like any other , the versatile protein-building machines of the bacterial cell can easily turn to building them , just as the machine tools in a car factory can quickly be turned over in time of war to making munitions : all they need is to be fed the right blueprints .
29 Investors in soon-to-mature MTNs could be first in line for payment if the deal with GE Capital can be pushed through in time .
30 Until some genius does so , controversies like the one which surrounded this year 's Mildmay Course at Aintree , are bound to crop up from time to time .
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