Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] come [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If he has not come round , we will put the TV on anyway and hope that it brings him out of it .
2 They will certainly have the fullest support of my Department and the Government in that and I hope that they will have the fullest support of Opposition Members , too , although that has not come through in this debate .
3 But Li Ka-shing , head of Cheung Kong , confirmed he is ‘ interested in some of Olympia 's assets , but has not come up with any solid plans ’ .
4 There may also be more room for professional bodies to discipline those whose conduct has not come up to expected standards but where proving dishonesty in a court would be hard .
5 COUNCILLORS have decided a city painting firm should be banned from working for the district for two years because their work has not come up to scratch .
6 When the United Kingdom did eventually join , therefore , she joined a well-established existing organisation , the original six members of which had developed an understanding and evolved an attitude towards the Community which the United Kingdom has not come easily to share .
7 But it has not come yet .
8 Berti Vogts is acutely aware of how close that match was in Sweden and he knows his side has not come here to take on the equivalent of a San Marino . ’
9 At times we may realise that we ‘ know ’ something in our mind that has not come about through reasoning .
10 At its most general , this view implies that the present perilous state of the world has not come about because its leaders ( or shadowy figures supposedly manipulating them ) are particularly warlike .
11 That this has not come about indicates either that everyone benefits from the system — which pluralist writers show is patently not so or that the democratic and neutral state is in fact nothing of the sort and that the scope for reform is severely limited .
12 ‘ It 's nice to get four victories on the bounce , but I just hope Christmas has not come too early for us . ’
13 Branfoot said : ‘ Matt has not come back with an answer but we are still in the early stages of negotiation . ’
14 Elwyn C. Bellford , an important lawyer in the town , left home three days ago and has not come back .
15 When he reached the tent he crawled in ; he has not come out again .
16 Then if he still has not come out of the tent I will go down there while it is still light , very quietly , and see if I can see , without getting too close , how he is .
17 A remedy commonly needed in measles , especially if the rash has not come out fully or has disappeared again and they become more ill .
18 ‘ Elsie has n't come yet ? ’
19 So it will come , just has n't come yet .
20 Sorry , the ghost has n't come over from the other side of the door , it just keeps moving by itself .
21 ‘ Mr Newman has n't come here to upset you , ’ she said gently .
22 He has n't come here for the Portrush air and must not be written off . ’
23 ‘ But blood is thicker than water and I have been at the hospital waiting to hear how she is but she has n't come round yet , ’ said Mr Harrison .
24 Surprised Jenny has n't come round
25 She has n't come round here yet though has she ?
26 There is another possibility that they have n't mentioned because the book has n't come on to deal with it yet , but you should know what it is .
27 ta ta oh , at least it has n't come to rain again pull Oh my light has n't come on
28 I 'm afraid Mr Steen has n't come up from the country . ’
29 I want to know why Si has n't come up tonight .
30 He has n't come far .
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