Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] [adv] take " in BNC.

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1 And the transformation has not just taken place underground .
2 Bills are read a first time in the same way as in the case of Government Bills , two weeks after the ballot is taken , and there is consequently little time for any consultation or drafting which has not already taken place .
3 A further revolution that has not yet taken hold widely in Japan is that of networking personal computers and word processors , and one American working for a large Japanese company in Tokyo complained to Reuter of hours spent every day hunting down paper documents written on dedicated word processors and then stuffing them laboriously into facsimile machines — when an efficient personal computer network could save all the effort .
4 However , this redistribution has not yet taken place to any significant extent , with the acute hospital sector managing to preserve its stranglehold upon health care expenditure .
5 This caution is all the more necessary when we realize that there are varieties in which this change has not yet taken place , more than three centuries later , and that there are yet other varieties in which different changes have taken place .
6 ‘ He has not yet taken final vows , ’ said Cadfael .
7 The health council has not yet taken an official position on the board 's proposals , but Mr Tait said that since Arbroath was a popular holiday town , it required better services than that of a cottage hospital .
8 Expensive litigation is still some way off The whisky has not fully taken its toll .
9 I fear that this has not necessarily taken place in every case .
10 There were only thirty visitors over the weekend Only one signing up for an organically grown allotment.It seems the message has n't yet taken root with the general public .
11 You will become increasingly shifty about the fact that your child has n't actually taken the safety wheels off his bike yet .
12 However , the fact that the polls seem to indicate that gung-ho reductionism has n't really taken off this time round suggests a significant advance on the Falklands ' spirit .
13 The many days spent not only taking oral and written evidence but taking part in the interesting innovation of seminars in which all the participants in the criminal justice system could come together and discuss the issues convinced him that there was no call and no advocate for the creation of a specific offence .
14 In chapter seven of The Form , leading his disciple on from the initial perspective of striving to order her inner life as if she should die tomorrow — a challenge which sets the adrenalin running and wonderfully sharpens awareness — he potently reminds her in terms of his own cultural coinage that the world is indeed " charged with the grandeur of God " by instructing her to see all her physical experience in terms of the sacrifice also offered at the Mass : By means of keeping in remembrance this little incantatory prayer at meals and indeed at all times not otherwise taken up with prayer or speech ( " and thynk it noght anely whils etes , bot bath before and after , ay bot when prayes or spekes " , 7.104.39 – 40 ) the disciple will maintain a constant perception of all aspects of sustaining life as a divine gift mysteriously available in time only through the processes of death and resurrection .
15 Specifically , this means not only taking into account man 's obvious close evolutionary ties with the chimpanzee and gorilla , but also his rather less obvious resemblance to another primate , the gelada baboon .
16 In June , with eleven months still to go , he was told by his doctor that his state of nervous exhaustion was such that if he did not immediately take a week 's rest at Chequers ( which with Parliament sitting inevitably involved a public announcement ) he would not survive without collapse until the end of July .
17 Blackwood 's did not normally take guests with neither luggage nor reservation , but losing one 's luggage and forgetting one 's hotel , and because of a British airline …
18 The Christian Democrats did not normally take the threats seriously , though with Strauss they were never sure .
19 Continuing his tour of crowned heads , Napoleon III went from Stuttgart to Weimar , where he met Franz-Joseph of Austria , but the encounter seems to have been no more than a routine courtesy call between sovereigns and the fact that it did not even take place in Vienna underlined the private nature of the meeting .
20 In my view the trial judge , dealing as he was with a most difficult and distressing case under the necessity to give a decision immediately , did not sufficiently take into account the degree of pressure required to constitute undue influence in the case of a patient in the position of Miss T. I agree with Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. that there is abundant evidence which would justify this court in coming to the conclusion that she was subjected to the undue influence of her mother which vitiated her decision .
21 For , unlike conquerors before and after , the Romans did not only take from their subject peoples , they contributed also , and the result of these contributions in road communications , law and administration , heating systems , architecture and art has had a permanent effect in Europe despite the 1000 years which intervened between the collapse of the Western half of the Roman Empire and the rise of the Renaissance .
22 Is Dr Campbell saying that Christ did not really take our sin upon himself but acted as if he did ?
23 Financial delegation started in Australia in the early 1970s , but did not really take off until 1983 when the Labour Party , committed to devolution , was elected .
24 There was an interesting experience at Leon which the women did not really take up afterwards .
25 Life insurance developed alongside , but did not really take on its modern form until the last decades of the eighteenth century .
26 The shares immediately jumped 40p , but did not really take off until American buying late in the session pushed them up 71p to end the day at 1,153p .
27 Dorothy Hardisty did not actually take over from Sir Charles Stead as executive director until the outbreak of war , but by then she had already made her presence felt as an able and energetic deputy .
28 Knowing that I would be visiting Australia on a project which did not actually take me to Sydney , yet sensing the need for images for general library use , I talked the matter over with my agent .
29 Knowing that I would be visiting Australia on a project which did not actually take me to Sydney , yet sensing the need for images for general library use .
30 These clubs did not necessarily take their sport in the spirit of fair play .
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