Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After a brief stop-over at Patriot Hills they will be flown on to Punta Arenas in Chile where the expedition radio base was located .
2 Fortunately the couple had had a telephone number for the party Lori had left with , and a telephone call this morning had vouchsafed the unwelcome information that Lori had already flown on to Medellín .
3 Recently , we were having a debate in the Lords and we got on to nationalization and I said that one thing that we need to nationalize in this country is the Treasury , but nobody has ever succeeded .
4 The talk got on to quantum , eerie
5 We got on to dreams because Vern 's interested in them too .
6 Erm so Elizabeth got on to Aristocrats so what , what happened ?
7 Did n't you even got on to frogs and rabbits ?
8 Saw another social worker who got on to housing .
9 Straightaway Steve got on to Malcolm and told him they needed all this money to join up with Scientology .
10 Then I got on to James again . "
11 I remember once I got on to Norton because there was this I wanted to get to but I did do some shepherding there , and that was another fun , carrying , and that 's a winter job , carrying the sheep hurdling , hurdles and stakes , I worked with a gypsy , a Romany gypsy , and he could n't speak very much , and tended to sing , as if something not quite right about him .
12 I was outraged by it and got on to Smith at once , saying that on no account should the students be flogged and that if the sentence was carried out I would leave immediately .
13 It pays to examine all gutter brackets and clips to ensure no water will drip on to walls .
14 The British tabloids , always to be relied on to turn a mild comment into a raging scandal , did just that , hilariously suggesting that The Smiths , as always , led by manic vegetarian Morrissey , were inciting the nation 's kids to go shoplifting .
15 Assuming that this statement is correct , these testers could prove lethal , and should certainly only be used by competent people with a considerable degree of electrical knowledge ; and they definitely should n't be relied on to check if a circuit is dead .
16 Both were villages with large numbers of Hinkley workers and which , a few years before , could have been relied on to toe the company line .
17 It has come as a shock to realise that your magazine can no longer be relied on to present the relevant information in a straightforward factual manner .
18 Then the neighbours and family who are relied on to share some daily task become more evidently part of the social system , or family system of that elderly person .
19 Moreover , we may point out that even if corresponding attributive and predicative adjectives ( occurring with the same noun ) could be relied on to share the same referential locus , that would be no justification for leaping to an assertion that the two elements are actually " the same " tout court , and even less for claiming that the structural positions they occupy are alternative forms of each other .
20 The object of the executors ' year is to protect the personal representatives from demands for immediate payment but it is not to be relied on to cover undue delay in dealing with the estate .
21 Could it be relied on to work well in the United Kingdom ?
22 … whether a valuation … is binding … must depend on the terms of the contract ( including any implied terms ) , on the nature of any circumstances relied on to vitiate the valuation , and the nature of the proceedings on which the issue arises .
23 Two passages are relied on to support that view from judgments of Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. in recent cases .
24 I hold that on an appeal to the High Court under the Children Act 1989 the only findings of fact and the only reasons that may be relied on to support the decision of the justices under appeal , are those announced by the justices in accordance with rule 21 .
25 The argument relied on to support that submission is set out in the judgment in the following passage : ‘ The argument there is that on their arrival there is no home and there is no financial support forthcoming from the plaintiff who himself lives on state benefits .
26 A member with a holding of a similar size will be quite unable to present a credible challenge to the board because in any contested vote the bulk of shareholders who bother to participate can be relied on to support the incumbent management team .
27 Under Ord 18 , r8 the plaintiff must plead both the claim for provisional damages and the facts relied on to support it as specified by s32A of the Supreme Court Act 1981 .
28 The curious facts of Ipswich v Fisons were being relied on to support the distinction .
29 In the following Experiment 2.3 various colours were used to test how far the eye can be relied on to judge backgrounds in the circumstances under which the eventual instrument would be used .
30 But where the pre-existing obligation is a contractual duty owed to a third party , some other ground of public policy must be relied on to invalidate the consideration ( if otherwise legal ) …
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