Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As well as bringing on the new foal , Margaret has taken on another exciting challenge .
2 The columns of our newspapers and weekly journals are filled with book reviews or booksy gossip in which the hacks who write them seem determined before all else to carry on the one continuing tradition of their ignoble trade : ignorance .
3 I buy a harmonium — nearly an organ — and spend the rest of my life playing it , thickened with doleful dirges , vainly trying to lay the trauma , my only satisfaction the ashen faced , staring eyed audiences staggering out at the end of performances , primed , and ready to carry on the good work .
4 Elijah heard a divine message sending him back to troubled Israel , with intuition as to definite things to do , one of which was to find a successor to carry on the prophetic ministry .
5 Plans to build hospitals in particular places , or schools , appeared on the agenda because committee chairmen had canvassed opinion and had advised the secretariats in Tripoli : they went through smoothly enough , suggesting that the occasional displeasing reverse was more the result of failure to plan and to prepare the ground in advance , to carry on the ordinary business of politics , than a result of failure in some mystical process , such as interpreting the general will by introspection .
6 ‘ I wanted to carry on the great work that Nick had done and I wanted to broaden the paper 's scope .
7 Always bleating and moaning because he has n't got a son — no one to carry on the Great Name of Graham — She gave a short guffaw .
8 The reason for this is that women are forced to carry on the main productive activity by themselves because of their subjection .
9 We held it was the duty of revolutionary Socialists to denounce both imperialist peace and imperialist war as the inevitable consequences of Capitalism and , whichever came , to carry on the independent class struggle of the workers , directing it towards the conquest of Worker 's Power … .
10 There is only one Arsenal today , and I can not conceive another simply because no other club have players fitted to carry on the same ideas . ’
11 The three of them looked at the dark-dressed figure of their brother , his head back , as he stared at the huge oil painting of highland cattle hanging on the broad stone wall of the fireplace , and he answered , ‘ I do n't know , Reggie .
12 The tide had risen a foot above the usual high water mark , and when they came to cut him free in the morning , they found him hanging on the outer wall — drowned .
13 There were tears hanging on the long , girlish lashes .
14 The officer 's optional dark blue cape , with a black velvet collar , and a black cord fastening , seen here hanging on the left breast .
15 The two pictures hanging on the wooden beam in the left of the photograph perhaps show a more popular way of displaying miniatures , which is nonetheless very attractive .
16 So this was done , and on the very next day fine grapes were found hanging on the youngest brother 's vine .
17 They were in a windowless hole of a dressing room , backstage of the El Paradiso — another charity , bring on the bloody drag !
18 They bring on the young ponies and in return he teaches them .
19 Bring on the big 0s .
20 Track down the following books through the index .
21 I feel somewhat like a Saint Bernard as I track down the American conductor John Nelson by telephone across the Alps .
22 On this model of organic relationships , the lower animals are merely immature versions of humankind : they develop along the same scale but mature at an earlier point in the process .
23 When the brew is at your preferred strength , just push down the plunger to halt the brewing process and strain the leaves .
24 Then , bracing herself , she strode to the top of the staircase and stood gazing down the wide , sweeping curve of it to the imposing hallway and the big front door .
25 Leaving the deep hearth for whatever reason , hunger , duty , sexual imperatives , you trot along the lightless , complicated corridors of the buried labyrinth , their ambient odour a composite of you and all your kin .
26 The sheer fury of Southend 's running kept Spurs under pressure and in the 41st minute Gary Mabbutt , newly cautioned for bringing down the impressive David Crown , gave the ball to him .
27 God would reward good ; his judgements in battle would be just ; he would favour the humble who honoured him and recognised his strength by bringing down the proud .
28 He was responding to Monday 's claim in the Belfast Irish News that at least three dozen officers were members of a secret ‘ inner circle ’ which had the objects of ‘ removing ’ republican suspects and bringing down the Anglo-Irish agreement .
29 Partnerships could henceforth be established between consenting adults so that ‘ two men could live permanently together without fearing prattling informers bringing down the criminal law upon them ’ .
30 Heseltine faced the tactical dilemma that were he to campaign openly and be seen to be instrumental in splitting the party and bringing down the Prime Minister , he would be criticised as divisive and disloyal .
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