Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] other [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Requests for assistance or consultation lead to a fairly high level of interruption and noise in the office , which may slow down other work and even make holding a telephone conversation difficult .
2 I agree that nobody should be forced to breathe in other people 's cigarette smoke .
3 An open policy to trade may be maintained if the nation is doing well economically , but a less successful economic position may lead to swift and much more extreme action to erect trade barriers and bring in other sanctions .
4 The crux of the rows centred around a belief that Sydney Newman , promoted from ITV into a very senior position and given virtual carte blanche to reshape the BBC 's drama output , was carrying out his task by bringing in other friends and associates from ITV in place of BBC staff who felt they could equally rise to the challenges .
5 the ‘ library of the future ’ or the ‘ virtual library ’ , taken broadly as the entire set of information resources and facilities , bringing in other stakeholders , such as computing centres , media centres , film and data archives , museums , electronic information providers , and telecommunication networks ;
6 Even when psychology recognizes gender differences between psychologists , it tends to pass over other differences .
7 To pass over other objections , the Letter is far too long for such a purpose .
8 it conked out other day
9 conked out other day and he thought it were points , he changed points and I says to him have you changed plugs ?
10 Investigators are now checking out other addreses .
11 Since this work has been carried out other dictionaries have also become available .
12 In that period of decentralized feudalism , one clan ( the Tokugawa ) usurped the authority of the Emperor and ruled over other clans within a structure which prohibited almost all contact with the outside world .
13 It 's like an oil painting ; when you make a mistake you can paint over it , but you might paint over other areas too .
14 Pro-reunification protestors dominated Leipzig 's Karl Marx Square on Monday , shouting down other groups who spoke out for an independent and socialist East Germany .
15 However there must be a core of supervisory functions resident in main store at all times , which can bring in other functions as required .
16 Similarly , Message Queue Interface should improve the efficiency with which loosely coupled systems work : travel agents , for example should be able to request flight information from one system and get straight on filling in other details without having to wait for the remote system to respond .
17 The Croaking Gourami 's noise is produced by the musculature of the pectoral fins passing over other parts of the fish 's skeleton — and is audible because of the labyrinth organ acts as a kind of sound chamber .
18 When a medical career has to be ended early because of staffing reductions ( virtually unheard of in the NHS before the reforms but now planned in the wake of the Tomlinson inquiry ) age usually predominates over other factors such as experience and skill .
19 Athelstan was an ‘ emperor ’ ( if he was ) because he ruled over several kingdoms ; the kings of León-Castile in the eleventh and twelfth centuries were sometimes called emperors for a slightly different reason , that they had aspirations to rule over other peoples .
20 However misinterpretation is always possible and it is also very possible that Bill is picking up other signals about John which John is not aware he 's sending .
21 To the extent that they are not , the CU effect is clearly picking up other influences .
22 Reservists made their way by train to western Russia , picking up other reservists en route , and so forming the ‘ Russian steamroller ’ , a great force that could , in theory .
23 They should be picking up other clues about each other too : the accents they speak with , the way they are dressed , the kind of hairstyles they have all tell us something about people we meet .
24 But by the time you were born I could n't give up Other world ; I was deep in the battle we wage here against the powers of the dark , and to leave it would have been deserting .
25 Visits from a local authority social worker can also do much to open up other lines of communication for the old and lonely ; and it can be helpful too for any elderly person who is housebound and not within easy calling or tapping distance of her neighbours , to have a large clear HELP notice to put in her window , and a loud bell to ring in an emergency if there is no telephone .
26 They are put into such wards because there are not sufficient resources in the health service to open up other wards that have been closed because of the general lack of resources in the health service .
27 Well , in that case I think it 's fine as long as it 's our equipment , but I think the problems always arise from it being lent out , and that 's where I you know , I do n't think we should have to sort out other people 's problems .
28 Workflow software is able to recognise when a particular action has been carried out on a document and can then carry out other actions ( which were previously done manually ) by itself .
29 We complete forms and reports and act out other behaviours in response to written or electronic signals received from other reports , memos , terminals , deadlines , diaries , etc .
30 well I think it would be easier to go straight down here and walk out other door , one of other doors , it 's not as far I do n't think , the way I 've come it 's not , it 's quite a way like what er
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