Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] on [det] " in BNC.

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1 You see when Steve used to erm come down to Selby I mean there were , there were occasions when I used to go into the college with him and sit in on some of his interviews .
2 Sit down on that not very comfortable stool , and listen to what I have to say regarding your future , if you choose to accept it .
3 Now in fact that 's not what we like our stewards to do , what we like our stewards to do is actually to help people to enjoy themselves , to help people to erm to enjoy the house and to sit on things and and and actually say , no please sit down on that if you like to , it 's perfectly alright , that 's what it 's for .
4 I think the government should slow down on all its activities at the present time and concentrate on getting the economy right , and everything else put on the back burner .
5 Who actually sits in on these video meetings .
6 Zoom in on this bungalow
7 ‘ If Lennox does n't learn to crouch and get his right hand up more , Ruddock will zoom in on that and it is going to be all over .
8 Can you zoom in on that window then ?
9 You can zoom in on any area of the design by positioning a BOX around that area .
10 Here senior police officers sit in a windowless room , facing a bank of video-monitors and operating , by remote control , TV cameras which can zoom in on any area of the terraces or stands .
11 We do most humbly refer our cause and ourselves to the Goodness of your Honor and the Company beseeching you to consider favourably of our unfeigned hindrance beside the great loss of our own stock laid down on these mines .
12 Dustin , with darkened eyebrows , oily black hair smoothed down on either side of a central parting , dark sunglasses and Italian gestures , wastes much of his talent in this frenzied , intermittently funny satire on Italian customs .
13 As I say the problem with the tucking in on that one is there 's not quite such a lot of length .
14 We have exhibitions at Sandown , Bristol , Leeds , Glasgow — obviously the machines cash in on this and have their own conventions in various parts of the country .
15 Because he 'd been seeing psychiatrists since 1950 he fancied he was an expert on Freud and wanted to sit in on all our discussions .
16 With this kind of work in mind , I obtained permission from the headteacher and the governors to sit in on all appointments that occurred in Bishop McGregor School during my fieldwork between 1983 and 1985 .
17 They are only too painfully aware how they could cash in on any multi-coloured shirt worn by one of Europe 's best known goalkeepers .
18 And if you want to collect ready made salad type things from M&S I am sure you can eat in on some evenings by arrangement , depending on our social plans .
19 So people have rung in on this direct line to find out what 's going on and things appertaining that could be useful to them .
20 Old time pro Brad Bowman drops in on this year 's comp and shows good stylish skating , unlike Davross who amazed visiting US skaters Lance Mountain , John Lucero , Steve Keenan and Spidey with his unstylish but entertaining hang-ups ( yeah Jase ) .
21 We tried to keep the scaffolders er occupied , doing their scaffolding bit accurate but safe everybody 's gon na be climbing down on that .
22 Press the rice into the tin , cover it with foil and press down on all sides until it is compressed .
23 I had joined a group who are still fixated on a classification of ‘ disorder ’ which homes in on those who attack property , ; and since the amassing of property has been a primary aim of capitalist society , it should come as no surprise to find that to prevent the dispossessed from simply taking from the élite has been the primary structuring principle of policing .
24 All that happens is that the animal waits until the treated garments are discarded and then homes in on some other , more suitable surface .
25 The man , it was the bald one with the glasses , knelt down on both knees and grabbed the bottom and began to kiss it ardently .
26 But if we can turn , because , because Derek did , did request to come along on this specific item , er , and it 's the , the yellow papers , er , on Oak Farm .
27 I mean my impression is that the resource has come in on this , I mean extra staffing , I mean you need it you ca n't do it without ,
28 I 've got the whole weight of the whole earth pressing in on this little box .
29 Not for a moment did his eyes sweep around the mountain heights which everywhere peered down on this upturned basin of ancient civilisation .
30 Are you going to come in on that ? ’
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