Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] with all " in BNC.

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1 But Fleury knew that his life depended on not being shaken off and so he clung on with all his might , his legs gripping the sepoy 's waist as tight as a corset , his hands dragging on the two broken pieces of violin .
2 The company plans to carry on with all its publishing operations and to open up new lines of activity .
3 Trying to get them not to go on with all this looking and looking , seeing and seeing …
4 ‘ If you 'd bothered to listen to me , ’ Peter went on , ‘ instead of simply wading in with all those slanderous accusations about her , I 'd have told you earlier . ’
5 But I just used to have this dream , of all these animals , and I had to go in with all these animals , it was actually full , crammed full of animals , that were all out to eat me , and , kill me ,
6 This can be reduced a little if she goes in with all she needs for the first few days : a clean dressing-gown , slippers , a change of night clothes and bedjacket and all the toilet articles and other small items she is likely to want .
7 Because , while being regressed , the patient is well aware of his or her present-day persona in addition to the previous one , Myra found it very distressing to think that she had been so happy to go along with all Hugh 's demands .
8 If Candy realised the game Adam was playing , she would go storming in with all guns blazing , never stopping to think of the possible consequences , all her protective instincts roused in defence of her best friend .
9 A a apart from Chris and Bill , I 've sat down with all the M S fours an and been through the changes to the appointment contract , and how they now erm form the basis of the er interim client report .
10 Obviously there are certain key factors to any sort of reasonable living space : walls and ceiling will have to be decorated along with all the woodwork ; windows and floors have to be treated in some way ; there must be light both to see by and to enhance the space ; there should be something to sit on and probably to eat from and almost certainly somewhere to work at times .
11 Bono says : ‘ We were walking along with all these sad , dour-looking people .
12 He said but she 'd be considered along with all the others but she ai n't gon na get a job with terminal full time when her contract runs out on May the eighteenth if she does n't get her finger out and get dr driving test passed and buy herself a car .
13 It seems as if the top 10 firms are walking off with all the prizes these days — literally .
14 Yes and er my mother was frightened to death of guns because , oh he was a bit of a boy at heart I mean you can just imagine everybody used to bring the sporting guns to be repaired and there was guns floating about all over the place , and my mother was scared stiff of guns right till the time she died er , and he got mixed up with all these sporting connections you know like go off to shoots and various things and I think he did a bit of cock fighting in his day as well , but I 've , I 've got the exercise books that his two brothers .
15 You 'd recognize this if you are a driver and especially a driver who maybe has the opportunity of travelling long distance , now years ago when I was younger and perhaps some of you in the audience when you were younger , you could go from here to the South of England with no trouble , without a break and you 'd head on down the motorway and you , you 'd be alert and alive and er ready to meet up with all sorts of emergencies and you 'd drive quite well all the way down , non stop down the South of England , but if you 're like me now , when I get to Stafford on the motorway you 're beginning to feel as if you 've had enough and it 's difficult to try and keep your concentration as you used to years ago , and that 's how it can be in the truth sometimes , when we 've been with it a long time that , we grow older not only physically , but spiritually too we become very experienced in the truth and we become very sort of fat spiritually , we can live off of that fat ca n't we ?
16 Now 98 per cent of their business is with the top exhibitors , and this means keeping up with all the new varieties being bred .
17 So let's catch up with all the action as we go spinning the globe .
18 Sometimes , too , it is possible to make the mistake of thinking that she is expecting us to come up with all the answers when , often , all she wants is the opportunity to state the problem to someone who understands and will not criticise her .
19 The producer/singer 's record company has been forced to come up with all kinds of excuses .
20 It was England who crept off , licked their wounds , and tried to come up with all sorts of weird and wonderful reasons for us beating them .
21 And , after his return to England at the beginning of the year , he was forced to catch up with all the work he had neglected .
22 In March they returned to England , and he attempted to catch up with all the work and correspondence he had left behind .
23 as the race for the world championship hots up its time now to catch up with all the rest of the sports news …
24 I have a chance to catch up with all my paper work , do a bit of teaching , work on any horses , and go looking for more if need be .
25 ‘ Fine by me , but wo n't Bryant smell a rat when he sees me walking out with all this ? ’
26 Prime Minister Vitold Fokin , however , took the offensive at the parliamentary session on July 3 , condemning attempts by parliament to interfere in government affairs , threatening the resignation of the Cabinet of Ministers , and walking out with all but two of his ministers .
27 Then , of course , the other side was his interest in Child Education , and he had been more or less in the outset of the exciting development which had been going on in Vienna , and had come back with all kinds of ideas .
28 Oh , he had come out with all the usual male excuses .
29 No sociological research is likely to produce absolutely clear cut answers ; if it were to come out with all the results 100 per cent in support of some hypothesis it would rather suggest that the hypothesis was hardly worth bothering about in the first place .
30 he shouts out with all the kids
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