Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] her from " in BNC.

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1 According to Gregory the slanders against Fredegund were intended to drive her from the court , thus facilitating the elevation of her stepson , Clovis , to the throne .
2 It seemed to be the only real thing in the universe ; the temple , the city , the motorspeeder , all of these were illusions devised to distract her from the important issues , the real business of life .
3 I 'm not saying I condone it , ’ he interpreted her look , ‘ but at the moment maybe it 's all she has to protect her from feelings of inadequacy . ’
4 We had to move from Renishaw Road to a smaller house in Thorne Road at the other end of Nottingham , a move dictated by financial considerations , but which in a way pleased Mother as it helped to distance her from her old set of friends .
5 The ladies murmured reluctant agreement , since most of them had at one time or another tried to oust her from at least one of the appointments which they themselves coveted .
6 As she wound down her window to scream for help , one of the youths then tried to drag her from her car .
7 Something must be done to free her from this grip .
8 It had had nothing to do with the past and everything to do with him wanting to oust her from her home .
9 After her marriage attempts were made to unseat her from the London School Board because of the alleged illegality of her name .
10 The attacker went up to the woman as she rode around an area of the south London Common known as the arena , blocking her path when she tried to leave and twice attempting to pull her from her horse .
11 Not only did she not read the charge but the folding back of the pages would have tended to discourage her from doing so .
12 She had a job to do , and no Italian Romeo suffering the effect of an over-active libido was going to keep her from doing it .
13 But I heard only this morning the story of an Arab girl whose parents have had to remove her from school because she was receiving threatening messages .
14 If anyone found out and if Alain was angry she would fight it out later , but for now she had come a long way , she was tired , disappointed , and nobody was going to stop her from staying here .
15 He therefore determined to seize her from Winthrop Grange where she lived with her father Lord Archibald Winthrop ( played by a well-known character actor who did commercials for tea-bags ) .
16 When American Equity threatened to bar her from appearing in the New York version of the show , Lloyd Webber threatened to jettison it altogether .
17 A FORMER pupil of an Edinburgh school has started a £30,000 damages action after claiming staff failed to protect her from bullies .
18 Leonora took out sweaters and shirts and underwear , putting them away with a vague feeling of trespass which failed to keep her from peeping into a folding leather picture frame lying at the bottom of the suitcase .
19 As a comment on Eve 's lofty nature she notes that the serpent ‘ did not try to tempt her from the path of duty by brilliant jewels , rich dresses , worldly luxuries or pleasures , but with the promise of knowledge … and he found in the woman that intense thirst for knowledge that the simple pleasures of picking flowers and talking with Adam did not satisfy ’ .
20 Mr Pattison said : ‘ They started to push her from behind and she could hear that she was getting nearer and nearer the River Skerne .
21 And then , ‘ When she first cam , I meant to save her from misery like mine . ’
22 They go back , they interfere , they try to save her from herself .
23 I managed to dissuade her from that and we settled on lunch together the following day .
24 Menem , who had accepted Yoma 's resignation only a few days before , had been forced to suspend her from her post in March when a report by a Spanish investigative judge , hearing evidence in the Spanish capital , Madrid , accused her of being part of an international drug laundering ring .
25 He had tried to cast her from his mind , to drive from his heart the spell she had cast over him , but it was no use .
26 He had tried to protect her from what could be a nasty piece of family history , he reminded himself , and she had refused to be protected .
27 If anything , I suppose I could complain that you 've tried to take her from me — but I do n't blame you for that .
28 She found herself talking about her father — the way he had brought her up alone , how he had tried to dissuade her from a racing career .
29 Once a female is grabbed in amplexus the male is likely to have to defend her from other males , and fights lasting hours or days and involving several males have been witnessed in numerous species .
30 Because perhaps — just perhaps — he was the one who 'd come to rescue her from the clutches of Spiderglass .
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