Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Laura cried , struggling to sit up on the wide leather rear seat of the large car , where she had been so unceremoniously tossed only a moment before .
2 I get a bit dizzy lying down on the bench , like I 'm falling backwards and I got to sit up for a bit .
3 Or recognising that up there the air might be too rarefied and you do n't want to go up at all .
4 When the party is over members of the bridal party , and guests , may want to go up to the speakers and personally thank them , complimenting them on a good , amusing speech .
5 You 'd want to go up to them and tell them to do better . "
6 ‘ Are you saying he did n't want to go up to Luxor ? ’
7 ‘ Do you want to go up to bed now ? ’
8 Due to being hideosly shy and a little worse for the drink I did n't want to go up to some complete stranger and act like I knew him .
9 Alexandra , Lyddy and Janet took it in turns to sit up at night with her .
10 Davis agreed to go up to 200 guineas , and in the event secured the unseen yearling for a mere 160 guineas .
11 And the West peal comes appeal and the West 's heard becomes a heard and the one sort of difference that 's still there and it may take quite while to go is that the East Mainland when they 're saying a sentence they tend to go up at the end of the sentence the voice rises .
12 I would like to go to the town today , and she 's awfully she 's no the day and they tend to go up at the end .
13 We 're only limited to go up to forty really are n't we ?
14 The company has promised much in the past but to date failed to perform up to the market 's expectations .
15 Ivanov 's major interest was communication satellites , in respect of which he was constantly being pressed to come up with something new .
16 ‘ Hombre , hombre , hombre , ’ they chorused , urging her to take her man , and ‘ Que lenta , ’ they screamed when she failed to catch up with her number four , and he went up the field and scored to loud cheers .
17 Logically , it would make sense to assume that the aircraft failed to come up to the standards of performance and aggressive capability which the Soviets expected of it .
18 If somebody failed to come up to her own high standards the directness she had inherited from her Australian background meant they would soon know .
19 If the pH failed to come up to 5 after 20 minutes ( 1200 seconds ) , the acid clearance time was regarded to be 1200 seconds .
20 Britain prefers absolute standards , which would exclude all products that failed to come up to the minimum acceptable level .
21 SAFETY measures at a Darlington car park failed to come up to standard after tests , it has been revealed .
22 SAFETY measures at a Darlington car park failed to come up to standard after vital tests , it has been revealed .
23 Kayersbridge Farm in Hurst , Berkshire , was making its second appearance at auction : auctioneer Gary Murphy had sold it in December for £262,000 to a bidder who failed to come up with the money .
24 I have already discussed the notion of relative novelty in the course of an analysis of habituation ( Chapter 2 , pp. 44–5 ) and failed to come up with hard evidence that might require us to accept its reality .
25 Just two days before the share sale was due to close , the Greater Manchester Council superannuation fund failed to come up with the expected £250,000 .
26 The Quebec government , however , warned the federal government and the English-speaking provinces that if they failed to come up with an acceptable constitutional solution , Quebec would proceed with its own independence referendum by October 1992 .
27 If he failed to come up with explanations to put everything right then , and then only , would he have to face the consequences himself , for it was clear now that she would have to leave — disengage herself from him , as Marc had so succinctly put it — but she had given her word and she would wait until the whole matter could be discussed openly .
28 Middlesbrough 's shambolic defenders failed to come up with the answers to the riddles posed by Rosenthal 's direct running .
29 Lack of time has been cited as a possible reason why a new set of criteria put before the world governing body 's council in Tokyo last year failed to come up for discussion .
30 Why should a female want to pair up with a male that already has several females when there are bachelors around ?
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