Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] the way " in BNC.

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1 The fragmented narrative cultivated by Vargas Llosa , for example , is intended to replicate the way in which we experience real life , in that events and information are presented to us in a disjointed fashion and it is only when we have lived through the reading experience that we are able to piece it all together with the benefit of hindsight .
2 I attended one course with about 50 porn star wannabes — nearly all of them men — and got to see the way things operate both in front of and behind the camera .
3 Only those situations which are really knotted , with personality or relationship difficulties of long standing , tend to come the way of a qualified or specialist social worker for elderly people .
4 In a move expected to pave the way for the return of about 20,000 political exiles , de Klerk on Dec. 18 granted an indemnity against prosecution on the charge of leaving the country illegally before Oct. 8 , 1990 .
5 The deliberations of the RDC revealed that it was intended to pave the way for the establishment of a provisional government .
6 He was replying to demands that he should resign to pave the way for talks between the Pakistan-based mujahedin resistance and Kabul 's ruling Peoples Democratic Party ( PDPA ) on a peace settlement .
7 They want to know the way back .
8 The talks addressed trade , transit and security matters and were designed to pave the way for a forthcoming visit by Indian Foreign Minister I. K. Gujral .
9 On Nov. 1 the leu was devalued by a further 60 per cent and fixed at US$1.00=35 lei , a move designed to pave the way for a partial convertibility of the Romanian currency which the government planned to introduce in January 1991 .
10 While this pattern was reproduced only imperfectly in the ECSC and while a timetable of functional spillover might have taken an unconscionable time to achieve , what in the end counted for the ECSC was that it did provide an atmosphere of mutual confidence among the leaders of the member states — despite the disputes , none contemplated leaving the Community — and that this helped to pave the way for the creating of the European Economic Community in 1957 .
11 Bond resigned as chairman and director of Bond Corporation on Sept. 26 , 1990 , a move which was expected to pave the way for agreements on key refinancing arrangements .
12 The US and the UK tried to coordinate the way in which the results of their fusion research reached the world .
13 His critique of Marx 's concept of use value helped to open the way for anthropological studies of the cultural construction of need ( e.g. Sahlins 1976a ) , and suggested that the ideas of ‘ true , and ‘ false ’ needs sometimes used in critical studies ( e.g. Marcuse 1964 ) were severely problematic .
14 The IMF agreement was expected to open the way for further lending by the World Bank and by Western countries and Japan in the framework of the Group of 24 [ ibid. ] , and on March 30 the European Communities ( EC ) approved payment of the first tranche , 350,000,000 European currency units ( ECUs ) , of a five-year loan of ECU870,000,000 ( US$1,000 million ) , requested by Hungary in November 1989 and approved in principle by EC heads of government at their Strasbourg summit meeting in December [ see p. 37132 ] .
15 Once finalized , the new accord was expected to open the way to resumption of debt reduction talks with Western commercial banks which had been suspended since June 1991 .
16 Such patterns appear to reflect the way in which the lithosphere fractures as magma forces its way up to the surface .
17 UN peace mediator Cyrus Vance telephoned Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic and he agreed to use his influence to try to clear the way for the UN convoy , stopped at the Serb border .
18 If we want to study the way some material absorbs infrared radiation we can put it into a cell fitted with diamond windows .
19 Mayne took command of two jeep-borne SAS squadrons which helped to clear the way , working with 4 Canadian Armoured division , for the capture of Kiel and Wilhelmshaven .
20 And then only , gently rolled off the seat that she was sitting on and tried to crawl the way back !
21 ( He was wrong there ; Snow was a limited , but still considerable , novelist , and anyone who wants to understand the way the British establishment thought in the middle decades of this century will still learn from him . )
22 In particular , one wants to understand the way in which the turbulence spreads .
23 I think that participating in an Earthwatch project is one of the best ways to gain some knowledge about the environment and its real problems and therefore is a ‘ must ’ if you want to understand the way the environment reacts to human activities .
24 Just a slice of wholemeal toast lightly spread with honey or marmalade ( if you must have ‘ butter ’ , use a low-fat substitute ) is ideal ; but if you want to vary the way you start your days , the ideas below are inventive alternatives .
25 It is quite enough for me to try to grasp the way in which God has disclosed himself to us .
26 I believe it is the most powerful poem he ever wrote and I want to analyse the way in which he maintains the clenched fist of resistant energy through four rhyming quatrains .
27 Answer guide : This question is designed to investigate the way in which decisions are made about how to deal with monies and goods withdrawn from a business by the owners .
28 The factors that appear to influence the way a person behaves at work are abilities , experience , goals and values , energy and rewards .
29 We want to change the way children are brought up .
30 It ca n't become a pop show , it has to stay the way it is .
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