Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [art] house " in BNC.

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1 Also higher property transfer taxes and commision rates make selling a house a much less attractive option in Europe so people tend to treat a house as a long term home rather than as an investment .
2 I do n't want to see the house or anything — I just want to go home . ’
3 I am sure that one of my ministerial colleagues will want to inform the House tomorrow .
4 ‘ I have to part them if I want to see the house .
5 ‘ I ca n't wait to see the house you 've rented for us .
6 they know that , people to come to see the house
7 I think half the people who 've come to see the house suspect I 'm a sitting tenant . ’
8 We just thought , they said , oh , we 'll show you where it is , so we drove round there , and no , he was n't there , and , so of course , we drove back there about four or five times during the day , and like we drove past there one time and there was a woman standing outside , she said like , oh what do you want , I was like , oh well , we 've come to see the house .
9 Go with a crowd if you want to try the house special , which is a leg of lamb marinated in dark rum , braised in the oven and finished in the tandoor .
10 Every week she was expected to clean the house right through and make the dinners , while the grandmother had her outing to Edinburgh : ‘ she had jist t'come in and sit doon like a lady . ’
11 I could n't afford my house in London any more , so I decided to try to buy a house in the country .
12 I 'm only going in and saying that erm I 've got twenty thousand coming to me now I want to buy an house with it .
13 I do not need to detain the House with a contemporary history of that sad state .
14 ‘ This morning you could n't wait to leave the house .
15 ‘ Do I need to leave the house or can I find time at home , when the others are out ? ’ ,
16 I want to draw the House 's attention to recommendations ( vii ) and ( viii ) , which are important .
17 Derek Pritchard who lives in the village wants to build a house on his own land next-door to his parents for himself and his fiancee , but was refused planning permission in April this year .
18 Now , the farm 's owners want to knock the house down and rebuild it .
19 They propose to abolish the House of Lords .
20 Even Richard Crossman , who tried to abolish the House of Lords in the 1960s , was finally seduced : ‘ A fascinating place … undoubtedly the best club in London …
21 When the loan has been fully paid up the lender has to reassign the house to the borrower .
22 Even with the property market at its height — I do not need to remind the House that it is not at the height at the moment — British Rail would not be able to cover the £1.4 billion capital cost out of its profit from property development or out of revenue from running the trains .
23 Any instrument you could ever need to make a house record is here inside the computer — yours at the touch of a button .
24 In the 1960s it was modified to make the House of Czech Children for the Pioneers .
25 I want to make the house look nice for her . ’
26 It can only be proceeded with with the government 's consent , and before going into committee the appropriate Minister has to tell the House that the proposed spending has the government 's approval .
27 This is when Harry starts to prepare the house for its winter storage role .
28 No wonder Hollywood can hardly wait to make the House of Windsor movie .
29 ) And it helped to make the House of Commons very anxious and very angry .
30 We did n't want to sell the house , but we 're both in our sixties and by the time the work is completed we 'll be in our seventies so we just have to bail out now .
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