Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [prep] four " in BNC.

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1 Matt Williams seized on some poor Cubs pitching to drive in four of the Giants runs and Will Clark lifting his series batting average to .625 when he reached base on three of his four at-bats .
2 Aszal had all the documents required from a returning immigrant , but he was questioned for four hours and made to wait for four hours and then told he could go .
3 We planned to come at four o'clock .
4 Annual output from open-cast mines is expected to fall by four million tonnes to 12 million by 1997-98 .
5 In February 1952 , The Musical Express bade farewell to its readers with a final issue that blazed proudly on its cover ‘ Tommy Dorsey For Olympic Games ’ , the accompanying story telling of how bandleader Dorsey and his orchestra had been booked to play for four hours daily at the games in Finland that summer .
6 Students taking French or German as a minor subject with European Studies are expected to spend from four to six weeks abroad , normally at the end of the second year .
7 According to estimates prepared in advance of the Assembly [ see also p. 38891 ] , the global average for life expectancy was expected to rise by four months a year over the next five years .
8 And of course we 're offering a service of allowing people to choose to come at four rather than six and we are making ourselves accessible to single mothers who perhaps ca n't come out in the evening etcetera .
9 Instead , the ‘ A ’ international programme has been expanded to take in four matches — against France , Ireland , Spain and Italy .
10 This year they 're going to go for four thousand .
11 A group tends to pass through four major stages of development in its life .
12 Bryant has now got to draw within four inches of the jack otherwise he 's out .
13 A student theatre has had to close for four months because of the risk of fire .
14 In January he took part in La Parade des Chefs , a competition open to team of four from throughout Britain , at Hospitality Week ‘ 93 .
15 The inquiry , expected to last for four days , continues .
16 He began to wilt after four weeks .
17 We began to talk about four o'clock and the morning was most delightful , the sun shining along the Terrace and the air so balmy .
18 ‘ On the other hand , ’ he said , ‘ Smithfield market is beginning to stir at four in the morning .
19 Publishers are also being invited to pay for four or five copies of a magazine to be lined up against each other along a shelf , so the title appears to be a fast seller — a common US practice .
20 Four months : they began to move at four months , that was what the doctor had said .
21 yeah that only got to count for four , that 's gon na go one , two , three , four
22 PHONE bills are set to fall for four years in a row from next August , it was announced yesterday .
23 Annual running costs are put at £9 million , with ‘ significant profits ’ starting to appear within four to five years , according to Mr Eric Black , chief executive .
24 Despite the tour results , with only two wins and two draws to set against four defeats , Sole cited the tour as a success in bringing on newcomers .
25 Supplied by Ruberoid in 1m lengths , they are machined to look like four traditional square slates , or three hexagonal slates .
26 The rice fields were found to generate between four and 10 times as much methane as fields in the US and Europe .
27 ‘ We 'll have to leave by four to make that flight . ’
28 This time Michael Spivak , described as the ‘ original creator/producer ’ , contrived to cram in four elements .
29 Yes members of the jury we will resume at two o'clock , erm because I have other duties later on this afternoon we 'll have to finish at four o'clock today , it may help you to know that , it may help council to know that as well .
30 It has n't been an easy year for the mother of two grown-up children , as anxious pet-owners have been known to telephone at four o' clock in the morning to ask about their cats or dogs .
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