Example sentences of "[verb] [det] than [art] " in BNC.

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1 While Foula has a population of about forty people nowadays , Mykines has fewer than a score of permanent residents , all living in a tight group of picturesque turf-roofed cottages situated on the cliff-top above the landing-place .
2 ‘ We found fewer than a fifth of bank and building society branches publicised the code with posters or leaflets , and staff knew little or nothing about it .
3 A powerful sitter may also impose a requirement that the portrait looks impressive , so that an amused spectator can look for traces of the consequent power struggle in a picture ; Queen Elizabeth I of England was as firm as the Emperor Augustus about the principle that a ruler 's actual appearance matters less than the imprint of authority .
4 The fact that a baby is weaned early , according to this argument , matters less than the reason for this decision : whether it reflects a cultural norm , or stems from the mother 's revulsion at physical intimacy , or expresses an urge to hurry the child towards independence .
5 They were convinced that equal allowances , financed out of general taxation so that the rich contributed more than the poor , should be given in all income groups because the responsibility of motherhood and the value of the child were the same whatever the status of the parents .
6 The formula can be extended to a pop group , as in Lester 's Beatles films , or Boorman 's Catch Us If You Can ( 1965 ) centred on the Dave Clark Five , but it looks more than a little shaky when applied to a more complex , not to say maudlin , character like that written by Shelagh Delaney for Albert Finney in Charlie Bubbles ( 1967 ) .
7 ‘ It looks more than a scratch . ’
8 If I had chosen to keep any of the more sensitive invertebrates I would not consider less than a 30 gallon capacity system .
9 For Stenton , the half century before 716 when no Anglo-Saxon king had been able to establish more than a local ascendancy , had ‘ little significance in English political history ’ because it had given no promise of the great advance , as he saw it , towards the unity of England which was to be made by the Mercian kings before the end of the eighth century .
10 If we are to study the genetics of quantitative characters we should aim to know less than the exact genotype responsible for each phenotype .
11 No more than one LM granule needs to be used in preparing the stock bottle since Hahnemann says ‘ one rarely needs more than a single globule of appropriately dynamised medicine ’ ( para. 248a . ) .
12 However , a horse needs more than the space necessary to exercise both body and mind .
13 However , the preservation of a rape survivor 's anonymity needs more than the exclusion of the name .
14 Always be willing to ask questions of the material and demand to know more than the text is willing to divulge about people , places and events .
15 The bureaucrat is assumed as a general rule to know more than the sponsor about factor costs and production processes involved in the bureau 's services .
16 It was easy enough to demand racial equality , fair distribution of the wealth of the world , or equal rights for women : none of those would happen tomorrow , and none of them involved more than the most superficial cosmetic surgery to make yourself credible .
17 Efforts to chart continuities in maladjustment almost invariably fail to find more than a small relationship between early attachment or infant behaviour and later emotional or behavioural adjustment , and although very early relationships and behaviour are seen to be very important , most researchers aiming to demonstrate this fact end by concluding that discontinuity rather than continuity is the rule ( e.g. Lewis et al. , 1984 ; Fischer et al. , 1984 ) .
18 Port Solent has a choice of houses and apartments to suit the various needs of the yachtsman and those who want more than a home on the waterfront .
19 Admit you want more than a mere boy can offer .
20 Should n't worry you we alright , I want more than a c ake
21 The following are our special letter services which you should use when you want more than the ordinary letter post .
22 The following are our special letter services , which you should use when you want more than the ordinary post .
23 Feminism is a given — but I want more than the political outline .
24 Though yeah they wo n't trust more than the once .
25 The reader is invited to study this closely , since it illustrates more than the possible treatment of a pencil .
26 Even so , in his mid-sixties and preparing to retire , he created more than a literary stir with the publication of a series of poems in vers libre on contemporary themes ( Fascism , war , pacifism ) which , in 1944 , were published in a volume entitled Y Dwymyn ( The Fever ) ( 2nd edn. 1972 ) .
27 He asserted that Parliament was " not a congress of ambassadors from different and hostile interests … but … a deliberative assembly of one nation , with one interest , that of the whole — where nor local purposes , nor local prejudices ought to guide , but the general good , resulting from the general reason of the whole " ; a contention which contains more than an echo of Rousseau , ironically , since Rousseau was adamant that the nation could not be represented in the way Burke implies .
28 True , this remedy contains more than an element of ‘ big brother ’ and it may be that it does no more than turn the criminals away from the areas covered by the cameras ' eyes .
29 Inner London has less than a third of the level of nursing home provision of England as a whole and this adds to the blocking of acute beds in hospitals .
30 A child born in Denmark will live an average of 75 years and has less than a one in 100 chance of dying before age one . ’
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