Example sentences of "[verb] [vb base] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 A punctured car wheel that someone was repairing lay in the centre of the floor with half its inner tube hanging out like a paunched rabbit .
2 I became famous ( or notorious ) for my diary , which I kept up assiduously , and which was generally believed to be full of scandal of the sort the school authorities would not like to see appear in the newspapers .
3 His first Classic victory came on Never Say Die in the 1954 Derby , his last on Shadeed , who beat Bairn by a head in the 1985 Two Thousand Guineas .
4 BANGOR — Coach George Blackwood has captured striker Kerri Kidd ( Ballynahinch ) , Robin Moran ( East Antrim ) and Stephen Cumper ( Cliftonville ) to try consolidate in the top flight .
5 And obviously you want go in a little bit before that just in case somebody comes .
6 As I hear the sweet lark sing in the clear air of the day .
7 As I hear the sweet lark sing in the clear air of the day .
8 A non-invasive diagnostic method of internal examination of patients had been a long felt want in the medical profession .
9 To investigate this pattern , the researchers transferred fry in the study stream to 25 pairs and , sure enough , only fry the same size or smaller than the pairs ' own offspring were accepted into the fold , while larger fry were eaten or driven away .
10 This I had seen happen in the lives of others , resulting in the despairing situation of looking on hopelessly at all the work and tender loving care lavished on a place being relentlessly returned to rampaging nature , and unable to muster the physical strength and mental resolve to do anything about it .
11 Coarsely chop the reserved mushrooms , add to the soup , and reheat , just before serving stir in the cream .
12 What would most like to see happen in the game :
13 As a parent , what would you like to see happen in the schools , or what sort of schooling would you best think would suit your child 's needs ?
14 Apart from being expensive to produce they suffer wear in the course of use and as a result are excluded .
15 Tap D for Delete in the Command Menu ( not Del for Delete on the keyboard , and not Transfer Delete in the Command Area ! )
16 Have you used Say in the first one ,
17 The foundations of interviewing lie in the mundane observation that individuals can report on what they feel , are , have , tell others about their lives , disclose what their hopes and fears are , offer their opinions , state what they believe in , say what they did last week , how much they spend on food , who they see regularly , and so on ; in short , they can impart masses of information about themselves .
18 Carefully Sally moved against it and felt a sort of yearning begin in the sensitised area between her thighs .
19 Perhaps WordStar will see fit to implement a drag and drop edit in the next release — please ? ! ?
20 On this basis , the utility reduction has been felt not when the real resources are used buy in the future when interest payment and repayments are made , i.e. there has been forward shifting in time .
21 Now , I have heard tell in the sultry dens of Freudianism that the psychological scar inflicted by this act of parental desertion frequently induces the daughter , when she is of an age to start questing for a swain , to seek a substitute for the departed archetype .
22 ‘ He had landed bang in the middle of the roof and it had caved in .
23 Slap bang in the centre of Gumbet and above one of the best discos in town , the club Exclusive Harmony is our lively Club base for Summer ‘ 90 .
24 WELCOME TO Meridian — the birthplace of country music , and slap bang in the middle of the region that brought you jazz , the blues and rock'n'roll .
25 WELCOME TO Meridian — the birthplace of country music , and slap bang in the middle of the region that brought you jazz , the blues and rock'n'roll .
26 Erm the difference is that erm it A Magna Park is specifically an exclusively rather , exclusively geared to B eight and is absolutely slap bang in the middle of the country on the conjunction of the M six M one and the A one M link route and everything else .
27 because she 's gon na pick 'em up , but she 's got to work like you , slap bang in the middle .
28 erm and then you can , I mean , well it gives you the opportunity to , you know bang in a bloody jazz band or whatever you wan na do in there somewhere
29 Why did n't the word standard get put in the place of quality we can have standard assurance as opposed to quality assurance ?
30 but as I wrote this and you know put in the acc th the conflict , it came up to two thousand five hundred words and I taped it and timed it and I 've been butchering it and cutting out all the really nice little sentences and the nice sentences and I 've got it down to two one sixty and now with that announcement on the end , as I 've got it taped , it 's fourteen minutes fifty-nine seconds for a fifteen minute slot , so it 's about as precise as you 're gon na get it .
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