Example sentences of "[verb] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A punctured car wheel that someone was repairing lay in the centre of the floor with half its inner tube hanging out like a paunched rabbit .
2 They have , so far as is possible , wished to interpret the texts within a context of earlier teaching and pre-conciliar practice , against which the Council was , to a considerable extent , deliberately reacting ; yet , as the texts even as finally formulated remain to a considerable extent a jumble deriving from different hands and including material composed substantially before the Council began , there is much in them to countenance such a viewpoint .
3 For the Nonconformist minister as well as for the man in the pew , preaching lay at the heart of chapel life .
4 To continue descend from the shoulder , on well-defined path with wall on left ; where wall bends right , keep right alongside it , and soon ignore a stile on left .
5 I became famous ( or notorious ) for my diary , which I kept up assiduously , and which was generally believed to be full of scandal of the sort the school authorities would not like to see appear in the newspapers .
6 But if you just take those points er an and , and think them through in your own mind about how this system of government differs say from the British system of government and the position of local government in the British system , you can see that , well we do n't really have local government do we ?
7 Erm do you have to be registered say with the council at that address ?
8 BP and Shell account for a large slice of petroleum tax payments because they operate mature fields that have lost their tax shelter .
9 Somewhere lay the sound of singing — I say lay for the voice seemed to float on the waters as gently as a slight mist .
10 It helped bring to the premiership Pierre Mendès-France , a member of the influential Radical Party and a man of energy who commanded considerable personal loyalty .
11 ( c ) On what chart does the rhumb line appear as a straight line ?
12 No , I never pick up the phone , they do that , pick up one phone and speak for a minute , while that ones ringing they say hold on a minute , and pick up the other one .
13 They say speak after the beep , beep .
14 His first Classic victory came on Never Say Die in the 1954 Derby , his last on Shadeed , who beat Bairn by a head in the 1985 Two Thousand Guineas .
15 BANGOR — Coach George Blackwood has captured striker Kerri Kidd ( Ballynahinch ) , Robin Moran ( East Antrim ) and Stephen Cumper ( Cliftonville ) to try consolidate in the top flight .
16 They suffer from fatigue , they hear of housewives being stressed , and they say look at the stress of housework .
17 Three hundred people say hang round the bar and say , conservation board I 've had lots of letters , well so have I , we 'll get get through them they might cause trouble .
18 Hawkwind opt for the lone nutter theory …
19 Pressing ABORT from the log on page will take the user back to VMS .
20 Business starts continue at a high rate , with more than 1,000 per week throughout the spring and summer under enterprise allowance alone .
21 The harvest service is usually a major event in the calendar for most schools with parents contributing produce for an attractive display .
22 Mr. Butler : How does that fall compare with the fall in England ?
23 And obviously you want go in a little bit before that just in case somebody comes .
24 Did n't even go , bother go to the toilet !
25 Hang on hang on metal and acid say think of the zinc and which acid was it we used H two S O four , what did the zinc do to the hydrogen ?
26 The basis of our decision before was my people work very closely say take with the national account people in right , and the main objective there is to get as much business from the corporate accounts as they 're responsible for like or whoever .
27 It 's not something I want broadcast to the world . ’
28 As I hear the sweet lark sing in the clear air of the day .
29 As I hear the sweet lark sing in the clear air of the day .
30 Say buy to the lady .
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