Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 KORG A2 or A3 guitar cards to borrow or a system exclusive data on a 3½″ computer disk .
2 When a reservation form is received or a booking confirmed the names of guests , time of arrival , length of stay and any special requirements are entered on the date of arrival page .
3 You have up here you 've got neither win lose but it 's like it 's a respectable thing you know you respect each other you do n't trust them completely and you do n't co-operate completely but they just respect just not you 're just not willing to go that further little bit and it becomes more of a more of a rather than a win lose or a win win it 's more of a people half and half okay I 'll give this much if you give that much .
4 Others were men of ‘ petit état ’ who , out of daring or a wish to commit pillage , took to this way of life .
5 A standing stone is erected or a tree planted , followed generations later by a wayside cross , church , inn or even village .
6 The appointment of the interim receiver terminates when either the petition is dismissed or a bankruptcy order is made , and can also be terminated by the court on the application of the interim receiver , the official receiver ( if not the interim receiver ) , the debtor or any creditor ( r 6.57 ) .
7 Even companies like M&S have to do it from time : warn customers that something they 've bought could be dangerous and needs to be returned , either for repairing or a cash refund .
8 Spelling mistakes can be adjusted or a document redrafted .
9 When new information arrives that can not be satisfactorily accepted by the existing algorithm or model , then it must be adjusted or a search for a more comprehensive algorithm commences .
10 Libby would not watch ; she hated the high-pitched squealing as the rabbits panicked , hearing a stick thump or a shot ring out , seeing the warm fur parting in the breeze as someone threw it down beside the other corpses .
11 Criminal proceedings do not become active ’ until a suspect has either been arrested , or charged or a warrant issued .
12 By that time , as Adam said , you would actually have been shocked if the temperature had dropped or a shower of rain fallen .
13 As the piece of soap in the bathroom began to diminish or a toilet roll grow thin , so the replacement would be moved from the Base Depot to the Command Depot — a cupboard upstairs .
14 Your ability to write and argue is of little avail if you get your facts wrong , fail to find the relevant authorities , rely on a statute that has been superseded or a case that has been overruled , or simply misunderstand the authorities .
15 At stairwells or where glazing or a doorway extends to ceiling height , it may be necessary to terminate the cove at either side .
16 He might have been in a rush , with a car badly parked or a taxi ticking .
17 Letters requiring a personal reply must be accompanied by a stamped self-addressed envelop or a self addressed envelope and international reply coupons .
18 Architect Chris Butt and engineer Tony Ward were approached and a meeting set up in 1988 included them as well as city council and county council officers .
19 It is envisaged that these arrangements shall remain in force until initial expressions of interest have been received and analysed and a decision taken regarding the handling of the next stage of the formal sale process .
20 After Hillary 's death a Richard Hillary Trust was instituted and a Hillary archive was accumulated at Trinity College , Oxford .
21 If the parameter count is set to 54 ( ASC " 6 " ) it may be omitted and a window without bars or brackets will be defined .
22 Monopoly power would not increase , but price would fall and a welfare gain would ensue .
23 The student acquires knowledge , understanding and a range of competencies in a particular domain .
24 At the 13th , Woosnam was heckled and a cheer went up from a few spectators as he put his drive into the creek .
25 It was a masterpiece of international cinema which brought Korda all the financial backing he could need and a dream deal with United Artists that led eventually to a partnership in the American company .
26 It would be less burdensome to the poor and more profitable to the King if Parliament were prorogued and a benevolence demanded .
27 The accompanying huge rights issue — which , at £1.3 billion , will be one of the largest in history — has been long expected and a market growing weary of cash calls was heartened by news that the new money is not to be raised until June .
28 So could there be , in the Mind itself , an autumn when old habits are shed and a springtime when old growth is renewed and new shoots flourish ?
29 Factories were occupied and a strike was announced for tomorrow unless the security forces pulled out of the town , reports said .
30 As the winter continues it becomes too cold to work and a day off is in order .
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