Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] [noun] have " in BNC.

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1 Sadock & Uzzan has an exhibition of sculptures , drawings and paintings based on experimental work or actual projects by contemporary architects .
2 Once subclasses or subfacets have been identified and the foci grouped into these , then foci can be arranged or ordered within the facet or subfacets , as appropriate .
3 Where no defence to claim or counterclaim has been served in the High Court , the defendant or plaintiff must , within 14 days of the receipt of the notice of hearing , deliver at the court office a defence together with a copy for the plaintiff or defendant as the case may be .
4 Spokespeople or representatives had constantly to justify their activities and statements to committees , which in turn would have to report back to steering groups and working parties elected by conferences and regional groups .
5 Even such mundane tasks as eating or drinking have found a place in some ballets .
6 At the time , neither Prue nor Shelley had any idea what sort of reaction they would get .
7 The way people talk about faith , you would think that rationality , inquiry , investigation , understanding and proof had all joined hands to form a circle of knowledge , leaving faith outside in the cold .
8 Some of the papers are now torn and others have been heavily creased because they have been re-read and re-folded so many times over the past 41 years .
9 He was pumped full of sedation , but none of it seemed to work and Gilbert had decided against more in case he died .
10 Studies by the German researchers Sukopp and Schindler have shown that the stems of reed mace Typha are weakened and tend to break at even 11–20 mg/litre nitrate , while , in the Broads , an extensive dieback of the elegant Norfolk reed Phragmites is attributed to nitrate pollution .
11 It is true that history records frequent occasions when this has been forgotten and prejudice has shown itself in religious , racial and class distinctions .
12 AXL ROSE and Co have worked hard at being the bad boys of metal , but their screams of anguish and unleashed hedonism from LA 's underbelly strike a blow for freedom from the hegemony of the American mainstream .
13 I DID NOT STAY to see the Eid — the Eid Al Iftr , that great feast of the breaking of the fast , the days of celebration when everyone dresses in new clothes as though the sackcloth of fasting has lifted and life has renewed itself once again .
14 Since 1970 industrial concentration has continued to increase and mergers have continued to play a major role in this process .
15 Finally , as dusk fell , the aircraft departed and Stirling had to take stock of the situation .
16 Delay rather than a deviant pattern to language development is reported and 3-year-olds have been found to be 5–8 months behind in their language norms ( Jerger et al .
17 The contemporary ‘ macho ’ image which Press and public has given to the regiment since they became dramatically aware of it during the siege in 1980 of the Iranian Embassy in London , is a false representation of what it was during the Second World War .
18 Perhaps because they were the first in the field , or more probably for deeply rooted socio-political reasons , the classicists have never been seriously challenged — theories have come and theories have gone but the belief in the control function of management has remained — even more so at the level of practice than of theory , although at that level , some insights can be gained .
19 Now the plays are dying and Father 's got the memory of them locked up in his head and no one to pass them to .
20 In fact the doorbell had just rung and Ursula had gone to answer it .
21 But the Willowfield man was not to be caught and Paddy had to be content with second place with Lyle fading to finish fourth some 15 seconds behind third-placed man Greg Luke ( North Belfast ) .
22 Both gearing and borrowings have subsequently increased , mainly because of payment of corporation tax and settlement of creditors .
23 Why not look at the situation rationally : it 's the British Mountaineering Council , and sports climbing and competitions have nothing in common with the ethos of mountaineering activities — so why not ignore them , excommunicate them ?
24 Chris Bonington 's passion for climbing and adventure has taken him on expeditions all over the world .
25 For nearly ten years the company flourished and Dronfield thrived , but when the home market for steel rails was saturated and firms had to look overseas for customers the land-locked position of the Sheffield area became a decided disadvantage .
26 Yes , both Place and Egan had considerable sums stowed away from various jobs .
27 The mother may object and females have even been known to kill the complete litter in consequence .
28 The bones of the arm had for the most part fused but fusion had not yet taken place between the radius and ulna , which would be expected to have occurred by the age of twenty-one .
29 They must be taught to retrieve but mine have always been intelligent enough to quickly acquire the knack after limited training .
30 You can get some books if you want but Gwyneth 's given you some money for books as well .
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