Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [conj] he " in BNC.

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1 And yes , a district general manager should 've resigned because he had an interest in the decision to go for the Trust status .
2 Gloucester 's reaction to this arrangement is unknown , but Lancashire was the one area of the north where Edward failed to endorse his power and the duke may well have resented his exclusion ; recent work has emphasized that he never entirely abandoned claims to grants which he had once held .
3 Gloucester 's reaction to this arrangement is unknown , but Lancashire was the one area of the north where Edward failed to endorse his power and the duke may well have resented his exclusion ; recent work has emphasized that he never entirely abandoned claims to grants which he had once held .
4 My vet has diagnosed that he suffers from an allergic syndrome , which could either be a contact allergy or photosensitivity .
5 While the magnificence of the result could justify the fact that The Red Shoes cost twice as much as The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp , there were many cases where the extravagance worked against the final result , and Michael Powell has recalled that he became ‘ impatient at the complacency of my associates about the mounting costs of our films . ’
6 If the bride 's father has remarried and he and the bride 's stepmother are hosts : Mr and Mrs Charles Brown … his daughter
7 And he has realised that he had nothing to lose even if I am spying for Carlotta .
8 A LITTLE boy is becoming withdrawn because he has so many ear infections he finds it difficult to hear , but his life could be revolutionised by one simple operation .
9 And I have said yes , because there 's a couple pairs of his trousers has ripped because he has put weight on .
10 An inquiry into the death of a yachtsman during the British Steel Challenge has heard that he took his own life .
11 An inquiry into the death of a yachtsman during the British Steel Challenge has heard that he took his own life .
12 I do not recollect that we ever tried it , although my father did bring me home a bottle containing two or three sticks of white phosphorus , at the same time showing me the mark on his thigh where , so he said , a piece of phosphorus has fallen while he was attempting to write on a wall with it .
13 In conducting this exercise the Commissioner has explained that he has adopted the wide test of subversion formulated by Lord Harris in 1975 and that his duty ‘ is to look at each case individually and say whether the Home Secretary could reasonably take the view that the warrant was necessary in the interests of national security ’ ( Lloyd , 1987 ) .
14 As a result , Chairman Roger Annan has resigned although he will continue to give assistance to the Executive on special projects .
15 , Dr David Wheeler , a scientist working on a Department of the Environment project on the quality of bathing water , has resigned because he believes it lacks credibility .
16 The Chancellor 's parliamentary private secretary has resigned because he wants his say on Europe ; MP Tony Favell says he 's quit as John Major 's right-hand man so he can air his true views from the back benches .
17 The company denies that a swingeing attack on Taylor in an internal staff report amounted to ‘ constructive dismissal ’ , as Taylor has claimed since he resigned .
18 His marriage has collapsed and he lives in the south of England with his two sons .
19 ‘ My husband has married only once , ’ she told me ‘ but he has forgotten that he has any duties . ’
20 The outcome is the same if he has forgotten that he has a knife on him .
21 Now it becomes a little clearer why , in a young healthy child where ‘ disease ’ serves its function in its most simple and natural form , it has been observed that the child is more well after an acute ailment has resolved than he was before it started .
22 As a result , Sir Thomas has resolved that he can no longer act as go-between in respect of the prince 's letters to yourself . ’
23 Joey does n't compete in the short circuit section of the championship in which King has excelled but he has generally been in command between the hedges and today it looked like the same old story when he took the lead after the first lap .
24 Now the local press has reported that he was ‘ involved ’ with unnamed politicians on the coast , an interesting remark considering that the country is in the middle of two rounds of parliamentary election voting .
25 LOS ANGELES ( UPI ) — The jury which convicted a confessed devil-worshipper , Richard Ramirez , of 13 ‘ Night Stalker ’ murders has recommended that he be executed .
26 Gossips say that additional strain has been put on the marriage because Nicollette 's career is moving into top gear , while her husband 's has foundered since he left LA Law .
27 I am the first human being he has seen since he was posted to this backwater .
28 The latter has said that he could not necessarily turn a blind eye to this … especially if there were complaints from other parties ; as you are well aware the commission have the power to seek repayment .
29 But Mr Ashdown , who is demanding a full-scale coalition , has so far rejected anything that Labour has offered , threatening to vote against a Queen 's Speech that does not include a commitment to electoral reform ; and Mr Kinnock has said that he has made no overtures — not even played the ‘ opening chords ’ — which would lead to a post-election pact .
30 Steven Isserlis has said that he needs ‘ a safety net not to have to worry whether I 've ever played this or that bar properly during the session and also someone who knows the kind of musical personality I am and whether I have covered a particular stretch of music the way I would want .
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