Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Over 4500km of roads , four towns , an airport , railway , a port , schools and hospitals were built , the pulp mill came from Japan and was floated thence up the Amazon .
2 Fords and bridge sites often change little over the years and Watkins cites several examples of leys crossing rivers at fords .
3 Serum concentrations of both are raised in patients with type II diabetes , reflecting most probably a shift in the relation between demand for insulin and the capacity to produce it .
4 Urban Development Corporations , the centrepiece of Mrs Thatcher 's urban policy , articulate most dramatically the current British government 's vision of city regeneration .
5 Firstly , the book is limited to those media which most absorbed people 's attention in the post-war era , and which met most fully the criteria of a mass medium — television , radio and newspapers .
6 But everywhere else — equally in the madrigal , chanson , and German polyphonic Lied , in the music of the Roman Church , Lutheran hymn , and Calvinist psalm note-against-note writing , in chords rather than contrapuntal lines , met most fully the demand for verbal clarity .
7 They have n't revealed their presence because our solar system is being treated rather like a nature reserve — that they do n't want to interpose themselves and spoil a very classic example of study of a lesser civilization growing up .
8 You mean rather then the , the report ?
9 A puff of wind swung it round on its vane , and snatched a bunch of twigs from its beak and sent them twirling slowly down the steeple to the ground at Carol 's feet , where they sank into the snow .
10 He uses language and imagery which communicate most precisely the truths he wishes to convey to a specific audience .
11 Lloyd George and Kitchener have their biographies ; yet those who experienced most directly the turmoil , disruption and loss of the war have their information locked within their memory .
12 Explaining one of the sections of their manifesto in the preface to the exhibition at Bernheim 's , the Futurists , now aware of Cubist painting , talked for the first time of ‘ battles of planes ’ ; and Boccioni summarizes most concisely the debt of Futurism to Cubism when in Pittura Scultura Futuriste , published in 1914 , he wrote under the heading ‘ Compenetrazione dei Piani ’ : ‘ It is the pictorial method of rendering movement in a painting , making the surrounding objects fuse with the structure of the object placed in their midst ’ .
13 But people who live under the flight path used by the jets say that the report does n't explain properly HOW the accident happened .
14 ( Where sounds correspond aurally yet the concept differs depending on the context , further confusion can arise .
15 We were most often directed to library skills and study skills lessons in which children were being taught rather unimaginatively a range of things from the Dewey Decimal Classification to the use of the full stop !
16 Once he acted the part of Asquith in some amateur dramatics , and danced round the stage with ‘ Lloyd George ’ , singing most comically a refrain which he wrote himself .
17 Rapid progress across country is largely a matter of finding and using effectively only the very strongest of thermals .
18 In order to channel most effectively the social security funds then available to individuals to enter residential care , the benefit would no longer be paid direct to the individual .
19 Over in Ireland , BOB DYLAN got his collar felt last week when a hotel security guard accosted him as he crept stealthily down a little-used fire escape .
20 If there was one thing that got right up a nome 's nose , it was someone saying , ‘ Here is a really sensible idea .
21 The methods he used then had altered little over the years , but he was aware change was in the air .
22 Instead it involves a shift in function in an interactional category , and it is exactly here — in the interactions between individuals — that we would expect to see most clearly the results of inter-ethnic contact .
23 Delarivière Manley records somewhat maliciously a ‘ comical Combat ’ between the Egertons , in which Sarah throws a pie at her husband 's face , and dumps butter and drink over his head while he grapples with her topknot .
24 ‘ This bugger 's salt , you know , goes so deep no diver 's ever found the bottom .
25 Since each inter-probe distance need be calculated only once the execution time is dependent primarily on the number of probes , not the number of clones .
26 Grip lashes with the curlers as close to the roots as possible and hold for five seconds , then repeat halfway down the lashes .
27 A corn bunting was singing halfway up a pylon , short bursts of jangling notes .
28 Between Hendaye-Plage and its parent of Hendaye , there is much water side , because Hendaye is hidden defensively away a mile from the sea , on the wide estuary of the river Bidassoa .
29 But from my own researches it became plain to me that she was very much a person of her times , as compared with Beatrice Webb who became so much a critic of her times .
30 As Everton regrouped bad-temperedly , Crystal Palace attacked swiftly down the left , Rodger pulled the ball back from the byline and Coleman sidefooted into an empty net .
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