Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] for their " in BNC.

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1 The humour inheres not just in the daffy selection of cultural allusions ( their native French accordion , some flamenco guitar , a few African horns ) but also in the way they take stiff , formal tempi ( waltzes and tangos ) and mockingly squeeze them for their stateliness .
2 Wanderers chairman Geoff Wyatt issued the following statement : ‘ By amicable agreement the three coaches have parted company with the club and we wish to thank them for their committment and efforts during their time as coaches with us . ’
3 After he survived the vote , Mr Major went to the Whips ' office to thank them for their help .
4 I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their support , and I hope that when my nest book is published they will feel confident enough to treat me just as a novelist and not as a problem . ’
5 I would like to thank them for their continuing forbearance and understanding , and for their hard work throughout the year .
6 I should like to thank them for their outstanding contribution to BP , extending over many years .
7 ‘ In the excitement of getting Penny back I ca n't did n't get their names but would like to thank them for their kindness . ’
8 so loyal was he that he rejected his cousins , the UNICORNS , when Alexander 's men attacked them for their horns .
9 Mobutu resisted pressure from Western governments to enter into a power-sharing arrangement with Tshisekedi and attacked them for their " flagrant interference " ; he understood , he said , " that Western aid is mixed with all sorts of threats and blackmail " .
10 monitor current prescriptions to make sure that children are not using them for their first experiments with drugs .
11 By taking V2s from here , from the mountains , shipping them back and using them for their own experiments .
12 Using them for their filthy business .
13 Texas Instruments , having recognised the wider implications of producing high performance processors , has attached great importance to its C compilers and produces them for their TMS320C25 and TMS320C3x .
14 Dolphins have been hunted in the Black Sea since the late nineteenth century , when Russian fishermen sought them for their meat and oil .
15 To embroider the sampler , we turned to some multiple agencies and asked them for their recommendations of good value on a £1,000 booking for four people .
16 I moved some girls into the middle and asked them for their guesses .
17 Lloyd spoilt it , of course , with an unbeaten 60 that helped his team to 190 all out , but having dismissed them for their lowest total in years England had to feel confident .
18 The manager has been quoted as saying that the parents who wore Pakamacs in the fifties and sixties will buy them for their children .
19 Central Council appreciates the contribution made by the RAFALOs and thanks them for their efforts .
20 A further 4,000 acres were allotted to commoners and the poor to compensate them for their loss of common rights , but since this was the poorest — indeed it was worthless — land , violent opposition was aroused among the commoners .
21 To compensate them for their lack of space , Chavez had paid for all the prisoners ' food and provided new plumbing and electricity .
22 It will improve gearing and the offeror 's ability to borrow ( unsecured creditors will regard it as similar to share capital ) but the holders will expect a higher yield to compensate them for their higher risk , although this should be less than that expected for preference share capital .
23 After the resurrection Jesus had to rebuke them for their dullness before showing them once again — and this time more explicitly — how , like the spokes of a wheel , the whole message of the Bible converged on himself .
24 Founded by David Blechner and Jack Schumann in 1973 , the firm started out as a computer bureau , hiring time on its computers to customers who used them for their own jobs .
25 It is therefore a bonus for the theory that clay replicators synthesized organic molecules and used them for their own purposes .
26 At the end of the question period , refocus attention on yourself through repeating your main points , wishing everyone well and thanking them for their attention .
27 She responded with a round-robin letter to all her employees , thanking them for their contributions and enthusiasm and reassuring them how highly she thought of them all .
28 Our Chairman , Richard Newcombe , who has taken a particular interest in the museum , then spoke , welcoming the guests and thanking them for their support .
29 That this ‘ slippage ’ is so slight is due to the fact that the other Enterprise staff have worked a great deal of extra time and taken on extra responsibilities and I take this opportunity of thanking them for their hard work and support during this period .
30 The rulers promptly monopolized it for their own regalia and as a medium for bestowing honour and obligations on their retainers .
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