Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] into [num] " in BNC.

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1 Change them into twelfths
2 Into twelfths in this case you change them into twelfths to see how many twelfths it would be .
3 Bryant and Bradley chose 65 of the children who had not been very good at categorising sounds at the beginning of the study and divided them into four groups .
4 They sorted through the books and divided them into two lots .
5 Bragg tipped the contents of the drawer on to the table , and divided them into two piles .
6 The Buddhist-managed Lakrivikirana divided them into two categories .
7 In one such experiment , L. R. Donaldson and G. E. Allen took 72,000 young salmon at the ‘ fingerling ’ stage ( when they are about one year old ) from the Soos Creek Hatchery in Washington ( for locations see Figure 4.5 ) and divided them into two groups .
8 Legally those having less than the minimum of 40s. in goods should have been assessed on wages or ‘ profits for wages ’ , which were often treated as interchangeable , though sometimes carefully distinguished : in Goldspur hundred on the Kentish border assessments on profits were specified in 1524 , but in the next year the assessments roped in more small taxpayers and divided them into fifty-one on wages , forty-six on profits and seven on goods .
9 He took a group of young boys and monitored their play , divided them into three groups and showed each group one of three scenarios and then monitored them again .
10 What happened if you make them into threes ?
11 So you could try it like this if we had twenty four we could see what happens if you make them into twos ?
12 Next , enter nine other matches in a second column on the coupon and bracket them into three trios with a thick , dividing line underneath each set of three selections .
13 We identified the postcode areas of patients and categorised them into three groups — namely , urban , rural , or mixed .
14 To give them the right to vote by absorbing them into one of the English constituencies and it could have easily been done .
15 He let me into one of his secrets when he told me that he tries to avoid cream sauces and prefers to use stock and wine reductions .
16 ‘ They 're tearing him into four , ’ said Snodgrass .
17 He invited her into one of his lesser parlours .
18 Leaning forward as far as she dared , with the great torso of the suit at a right angle to its legs , she made the claws unhook her wrist computer and plug it into one of the empty sockets on the panel .
19 Then , with great creative inspiration and insight , they painstakingly transformed it into one of Lincolnshire 's most original and interesting restaurants .
20 When they killed Chico , they transformed us into thousands of Chicos . ’
21 Howard would like to put his arms about the whole team , as they crowd round the journal , smelling of shirts , and squeeze them all , and fuse them into one perfect corporate human being .
22 Some authorities subdivide them into three types — the down-awn hairs , the awn hairs and the guard-awn hairs — but these subtle distinctions are of little value .
23 I took my clothes off and put them into one of the largest warships .
24 If your list of suspect foods is very extensive , it may be better to split them into two groups and try eliminating each group in turn .
25 Okay , what I 'm going to do now is I 'm going to split you in , into groups , I want to split you into two groups , we could have up to you , and the dividing line will be you and then at the back there .
26 If you subdivide it into four .
27 Announcing his first programme yesterday , he spoke of the ‘ awesome responsibility ’ of following Joan Knight who has turned it into one of the most successful theatres in the country with an average audience of more than 7,000 people for each production .
28 You know you can do it you can do the fractions and once you 've turned it into twelfths you can do it .
29 the only way to do it is to split it into two continuous bits .
30 we had to split it into two .
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