Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] all [det] " in BNC.

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1 Not that he plays them all that well , ’ he admitted , thoughtfully watching the harried youngster trying to be as tall as his tallest and most formidable charge .
2 Even when I stop idolising him , I 'd still like to be able to tell him what pleasure his lovely voice has given me all these Saturday evenings . ’
3 Have you given them all those potatoes ?
4 If I could catch them all that young I 'd cure 'em before they got any ideas . ’
5 ‘ You helped me all those years ago , Pip !
6 After a moment he added , ‘ I do n't know you all that well as yet , of course , but I imagine you 're not a person who throws emotions around , yourself ? ’
7 ‘ I do n't know you all that well as yet ’ ; ‘ We must talk very soon . ’
8 £1200 will buy you all these books and catalogues selected by our staff to satisfy your present-giving duties to even the most extended family
9 This is to inform you all that me and my Companions have Unanamously agreed and likewise made Oath to Each other that if There is not a speedy Altaration made for the Good of the poore that you have corn thinking to make your fortunes of shall have it burnt to the Ground whether it Be in Stacks or Barns for the fire that took place Last Week was but the begining of your Troble , we know every Stack of Corn about this Country , and Every Barn that hath Corn concealed in it for the Purpos of starving the Poore But we are Determind if thare is to Be Starvation it shall be a General thing not a parcial one for both Gentle and Simple shall Starve if any Do .
10 ‘ After driving you all that way , I should think she was entitled to be a bit boring . ’
11 ‘ I did n't even know him all that well . ’
12 You 've got to remember I did n't know him all that well .
13 I did n't I mean I know I 've been married to him for thir twenty five year but did n't know her all that .
14 I 'll pack it all this afternoon if you like .
15 ‘ Who would send me all these roses ? ’
16 You told me all that stuff about your wife being unfaithful .
17 He told me all that very carefully . ’
18 A year I had all the symptoms and I went and got a book and read about it and tried to find out as much possible about it and the book scared me silly because it told me all these things that could happen
19 He told me all this in his house , in a beautiful room .
20 Maybe in the course of time she will show me all these marvels . "
21 ‘ A simple phone call to tell me about the problem would have saved me all this fuss and expense . ’
22 Yeah she had n't done them all this time .
23 Do n't give me all that crap .
24 They give you a Walkman , they give you tape , they give you batteries , I told you all that Jane
25 First , what happened to the Jew who told you all this ? ,
26 ‘ Why do you think she told you all this ? ’
27 ‘ And the king told you all this ? ’
28 ‘ Was it she who told you all this ? ’
29 I wish I could give you all that 's best ,
30 Oh I 'll give you all that , it 's alright .
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