Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] by my " in BNC.

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1 that was taught me by my grandmother , Annie Scanlon .
2 Twenty years later , Charles reminded an assembly of how " a part of the realm was assigned me by my lord and father … and in it the metropolitan see of Sens then lacked a pastor .
3 How did young Bruce become Uncle Bruce , to use the saucy sobriquet given me by my ever ebullient fellow presenter Richard Wyatt .
4 People in the street , who knew that I was engaged in negotiations , would come up to me , grab me by my lapels and say , ‘ Get an agreement , we beg you .
5 I love you , I need you , I want you by my side for all eternity .
6 Julie , who 's 26 , says , ‘ I keep it in my bag when I 'm at work , and often place it by my bed at night . ’
7 And the land shown me by my guides , my deliverers , how painterly it was , the buildings of earthen crockery , the stone variegated like pork brawn in the mild breath of dusk .
8 She mostly calls me by my last name .
9 Benjamin grabbed me by my doublet .
10 He was bigger than I and he grabbed me by my Sidcot collar and hauled me in the direction of the CFI 's office , I did not even have time to shake off my parachute before we burst into the " Holiest of Holies " .
11 I keep the snapshot you sent me by my bed , but although I can see it is you , you look different — so much older .
12 I tell you , after a long life of many escapes , many dramas which might have been tragedies , what I want and would value most is to be free to choose as much of my life as is given to me — to live it by my own lights , Mary , to do , insofar as God wills it , what I want to do to the very hilt and limit . ’
13 In his April review AB , while remaining loyal to the Walter and Klemperer versions , summed it up as ‘ the most compelling and most spontaneous of performances recorded in the past few years , and I shall want it by my for the sheer beauty of the sound , often in that respect surpassing any other version ’ .
14 Everyone needs to earn a living , and when I went to New York , I was glad that I could earn mine by my playing .
15 " No , I got it by my own self . "
16 pair call me by my first name too as if
17 ‘ And please , ’ he said , ‘ call me by my nickname — Bubble . ’
18 When , gentle reader , someone over-uses your name as a controlling tactic , a throwaway comment disguising an analysis of what is going on can be most effective : ‘ Gosh , it 's interesting how you call me by my Christian name so much ’ ( sub-text : ‘ I 've rumbled you — stop it ’ ) .
19 ‘ Then call me by my name . ’
20 Always before when I ran my head , and my country , and my son 's inheritance into danger , and stood to it in arms , always I had you by my side , heart in heart with me .
21 ‘ As it has never impressed me either , you can pretend that I am normal and address me by my name .
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