Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [that] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the meantime all those due to appear in the FA Cup third round in the New Year have received a letter from Lancaster Gate reminding them that the FA has the power to throw them out of the competition if their players become involved in mass brawls .
2 It has taught me that the world does n't revolve around me .
3 Instead , they ask users to return their disks for upgrade , and will notify them that an upgrade is in the offing .
4 ‘ Y-you asked me that the first time we met . ’
5 It angers me that an insurance company attempted to kick us in the teeth when all we were trying to do was protect ourselves . ’
6 When dealing with previous Bills affecting the armed services , the Minister and his colleagues have always sought to assure me that the armed forces are keenly aware of the need to treat complainers — irrespective of age — in a sympathetic manner .
7 A shop assistant promised me that a head torch would ‘ bring me down off the mountain after dark ’ .
8 It amazes me that a pair of shoes made in the north of England can cost more in common currency in London than that same pair of shoes shipped 3,000 miles to New York .
9 It amazes me that the fine for moving a seat reservation card is actually more that the one for pulling the communication cord .
10 ‘ He has reminded me that the beginning of a reign is a traditional time for the pardoning of malefactors , ’ he said .
11 I have now , through your lordship 's favour , the satisfaction of seeing them cultivated in my neighbourhood , by the skilful hand of my friend , Mr. Miller , and shall take the first opportunity of describing and engraving them that the public may see how much they are indebted to your lordship .
12 Her next mistake , in their eyes , was one of failing to inform them that the prizemoney for the Malaysian Open had been chopped in half .
13 ‘ We regret to have to inform you that a further breach has now come to our attention and we are instructed by our clients to write to you about it .
14 I am pleased to inform you that a place has been reserved for you on the above course .
15 ‘ Your appeal against the above offer of permanent accommodation made available to you on 12-9-91 has been considered carefully but I regret to inform you that the appeal has not been allowed and you should sign for the tenancy at the local housing office by 2-12-91 .
16 It pleases me to inform you that the weather here continues to be temperate !
17 I write to inform you that the appeal is to be heard at the above address on
18 I write to inform you that the above appeal is to be heard on
19 I can promise you that the total came as quite a shock to me , I was convinced it would be well in excess of my budget .
20 I can Promise you that the police will do everything they can to find Mr. Stavanger , and to clear up the other matters we have been discussing . "
21 Nor just the pleasures of the table , although I can promise you that the chef here is superb .
22 IF IT worries you that the national survey on sexual habits is not going to take place , you could take comfort from the thought that it probably wo n't make a vast amount of difference in the long run .
23 She sounded perversely proud of her increased value , and again I thought it best not to inform her that a bubblehead like Donna could earn twice that fee in a single night .
24 They promised her that the reign of terror would be over before the year was out .
25 The gallant compliments of the captain and his officers particularly had reminded her that the beauty so widely admired in her youth had not yet faded .
26 Held , allowing the appeal , that where a driver was required to provide a specimen of blood or urine for one of the reasons set out in section 7(3) of the Act of 1988 , or claimed the right to provide such a specimen under section 8(2) , the constable was required by section 7(4) to inform him that the specimen was to be of blood or urine and that it was for the constable to decide which ; but that there was no requirement to invite the driver to express his preference for giving blood or urine ; that if the constable intended to require a specimen of blood , the driver was to be given the right to object on medical grounds to be determined by a medical practitioner or , if the requirement had been made under section 7(3) , for some other reason affording a ‘ reasonable excuse ’ within section 7(6) of the Act ; and that , accordingly , the requirement for the defendant to provide a specimen of blood had complied with section 7(4) ( post , pp. 885G–H , 890D–G , 891A–D , 895B–E , H — 896A ) .
27 What possible sense can there be in a legal rule , for example , which has it that a woman is presumed fertile even though she is past menopause or has undergone a hysterectomy operation ?
28 ( Rumour has it that a diet of Scottish scones and cookies can alleviate some of the effects of lead .
29 Somewhere in the middle of the fifteenth century , legend has it that a little girl was tending sheep here when a young lady came to play with her .
30 But rumour has it that a sevens tournament is going to be organised in Moscow in September to decide who takes over the Soviet place : Russia , Ukraine , Georgia , Latvia or Kazakhstan .
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