Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Last but by not means least , and we 've heard them mentioned a couple times already this week and it will be dealt with more extensively later in the week we have of course persuaded to enter into detailed discussions with us er , which would hopefully lead to a transfer of engagements by the end of this year .
2 Now , if you 've got nowhere else , erm , at the bottom end of the door to fit it , that 's fine , but as a matter of a preference , Crime Prevention like to see them fitted a third of the way up the door , that is where our thieves put the boot in , and thieves will work to pressure points , to leverage points they come equipped , or most of them do n't come equipped , because obviously if they 're walking along the street and a police officer sees them , you know , pull them over and start to talk to them , most of them will actually er use the tools from the back garden or or things they find lying around to help themselves in .
3 One officer , a really nice screw , a senior officer called Mrs [ R ] , understood why I wanted to be moved off the pregnant house and got me moved the next day .
4 So I take my time , not asking if he wants Cellophane gift-wrapping but just doing it really slowly and then I say I done the VAT wrong .
5 Has she asked the Atomic Energy Authority about these contracts ?
6 Has she seen the Quakers report which states that tens of thousands of children are in jeopardy and thousands will die because of the lack of essential medicines ?
7 Has she seen the great efforts being made this year to obtain private inward investment into southern Africa in the form of conferences and other initiatives ?
8 Sleepily goes into spiel about what kind of care would she like , has she chosen a hospital yet , how does she feel generally , this is her first , is n't it , a lot of nonsense talked nowadays about active births and so on , what people fail to realize is that birth is potentially highly dangerous for the mother and the child and that with a bit of foresight and the right equipment it 's possible to etc. , etc. , etc .
9 Has she got a boyfriend ? ’
10 Since she does n't respond to my telling her to relax I ask who is this landlord anyway and has she got a rent book ?
11 She 's got a , I think er has she got a no , I do n't think she 's got a key to my house now , she used to have er in case I lock meself out .
12 Has she got a ?
13 Has she got a dolly in her cot with her ?
14 Has she got a drink knocking around somewhere ?
15 Has she got a pump in it ?
16 Has she got a king ?
17 And why she , has she got a sword ?
18 You can get is at Grantham and if you read and you 'll see all the things that your dog is likely to carry into her ba has she got a basket ?
19 Has she got a like has she got like talcum powder all over her body as well ?
20 Has she got a top on ?
21 Has she got a really good voice ?
22 Has she got a though ?
23 Has she got a child ?
24 has she got an account there ?
25 Has she got an agent ?
26 Has she got the pennies to kit it out with , that 's the thing ?
27 Has she got the twe , she 's know how much
28 Has she told the police about it ? ’ asked Melissa , wondering if ‘ two-coat ’ could he local dialect for ‘ two-faced ’ and thinking that it might well be a suitable epithet for Rodney Shergold .
29 The Marchioness has n't yet been able to see her baby son George , nor has she had a visit from her estranged husband , Jamie Blandford , currently banned by the High Court from seeing her .
30 Or has she had a lift ?
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