Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Why do yer want me ter have a key ? ’
2 Well , to tell you the truth , your boys asked me when had I last seen my father alive and I said Friday instinctively , and then by the time I 'd realized my mistake , it was all written down , and , you know , I thought if I changed it , that 'd only create trouble . ’
3 I realized I just had to accept him for what he was , and when I learnt to do that , he did the same to me - accepted me without question , in all my imperfection , in all that made me unworthy of him .
4 I do n't think I ever have done Heathrow , oh wait a minute , did I the first year ?
5 ‘ But I do n't think I quite have your astonishing nerve , ’ he said , laughing .
6 ‘ I do n't think I really had any doubts about them , ’ she said slowly at last .
7 A couple of funny looks later and I realised I also had to head off the perception that I wanted to hire a sex cave for outré rumpy pumpy with a slew of bimbo victims .
8 When I went to the bus I realised I only had one bag instead of two so I rushed back but no-one had seen the bag in the pub or the shops .
9 Only because so many people complain , I mean I just had to do something .
10 What I know about palaeotology is n't too much I mean I obviously have to try and know a bit , but it 's not my field — erm in order to test the minor claim , you have to be able to get your hands on some rock which actually consists of continuous sedimentation over long periods of time .
11 I mean I actually had somebody last Friday , they told me what to do , a four letter word , they told me what to do , and put the phone down .
12 I mean I never have given my dogs chocolates or anything like that , a lot of people do .
13 I mean I only had one bad knee but then this time I got two .
14 The job of keeping them together has been entrusted to a series of ‘ confidants ’ who write his books , churn out his articles , furnish his quotes , capture his image and sweeten the sour , and when I once asked Niki why he would n't ever do a serious — and in consequence , a truthful — book about himself , he replied , why should he ?
15 As for the class of goods , where commercial goods are concerned the party acquiring them presumably has some expertise in relation to them which gives him the capability to assess their quality or to understand if he needs to call in an expert assessor , so that less protection should be required in this case .
16 I shot out a hand and gripped Mackie 's trouser leg and pulled with strength I did n't know I still had left .
17 While the characteristics of the industrial world do not lead to comfort they certainly lead to stimulation , and I found I continually had to adapt and learn .
18 D' ya really have a bath you do do n't you ?
19 " I honestly did n't know you still had interests like that , Edith . "
20 What was the first tank/fish you ever had ?
21 What was the first tank/fish you ever had ?
22 What was the first tank/fish you ever had ?
23 What was the first tank/fish you ever had ?
24 What was the first tank/fish you ever had ?
25 Once installed you then have the choice of running the Thesaurus as a standalone program or as a memory resident one .
26 Perhaps it was a mistake perhaps keeping you here has done no good …
27 There are others who never will , and you 'll have a constant battle to establish you right to have a share in making decisions , and knowing where the money goes .
28 Stretch goodbye to the pain and forget you even have a shoulder .
29 D' you ever have a good word for anyone , Natasha ? ’ he enquired coldly .
30 I say you only have to take something , cardigan
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