Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 've heard them all come merrily to bed , as if there were no misery in the world .
2 They 're very pleased at that because I mean they obviously found it to be useful , erm we proved it to be useful and it 's nice to see them all taking on this responsibility now , now and doing it , because that 's all progress .
3 It was sad to see them all go , but a wonderful joy it is when they all come for occasional visits .
4 It 's so lovely to see them all sitting there , juice running down their chins . ’
5 She 'd be real surprised to see them all sat round the table looking so happy .
6 I want to see them all do the best they can , because they deserve it .
7 It was pretty good seeing them all marching together , though .
8 Philips kept their ownership of the buildings and equipment used in the preparation and serving of the food , but made them available to ISS without charge ( while undertaking to maintain them in good order ) and Philips even paid for the electricity , water and telephone costs involved in the canteen operation and for the removal of waste .
9 She gave a loud , bitter shout of laughter that made them all stare .
10 An unfamiliar young woman entered the sauna and , the moment she walked through the door , began to order everyone about ; she made them all sit closer together , then picked up a pitcher and poured water on the stones .
11 A tap on the door made them all start .
12 Biddy did not speak for some time , and stood considering them in a way that made them all feel about half their usual size .
13 Polished parquet and a narrow scarlet runner made them all look the same .
14 The lights came back on and then a thud overhead made them all jump .
15 The sound of heavy boots sliding down he crumbling bank made them all glance up .
16 The failure of any of the interviewers to ask the politicians about these dangerous and difficult matters made them all seem like collaborators in the politicians ' games .
17 An account of an ancient intra-uterine device , implanted twenty years before and never since then disturbed , made them all laugh once more .
18 It made them all laugh when Peter said that come to that , what he did with him was against the law since Jay was not yet twenty-one .
19 The medium bombards and basilisks , made by John in his wisdom with trunnions , now showed the virtues of his new two-wheeled carriages , which made them easy to move and regroup whatever the weather .
20 In this campaign too — the battle of the River Ebro — the government forces had the initial advantage of surprise , but their much depleted physical and military strength made them unable to turn it to their permanent advantage and they were eventually pushed back to their original positions .
21 A sound from the doorway made them both turn .
22 It made them both giggle .
23 He joked with them like a cheerful , older brother and sang one or two shockingly rude Army songs that made them both giggle .
24 She smiled at them again , and one of the young men leant towards his companion and said something which made them both laugh .
25 A huge steel crane hook suddenly descended quietly between their faces and made them both leap back in alarm .
26 The noise of a lock operating somewhere made them both look along the companionway .
27 Melissa was about to retort that as she had only known Bonard for three days he could hardly be described as a friend of hers , when a surprised , ‘ Well , what do you know ? ’ from Jack made them both glance round .
28 While he was still searching for the right question to ask , the sound of a key in the padlock made them both jump .
29 The shrill jangle of the door bell made them both jump .
30 The depute fiscal , Elaine Warden , asked the sheriff to demand more staff for patients whose agitated conditions made them liable to fall out of bed .
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