Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] through the " in BNC.

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1 Not only will this make the water unpleasant but it may cause leakages if the corrosion goes right through the cistern .
2 This lack of interest goes right through the educational system , In Ealing for example ( an area where a high proportion of the population is Asian ) not one school had facilities for teaching Asian languages .
3 If on the other hand it goes right through the C/L continue your turn and make a 40° intercept the other way ( ie onto Hdg 130° in fig 52 ) .
4 Now there 's the machine is g there the laminated copper er these commutators and it 's on main shaft that goes right through the generator and the turbine .
5 Bannen tried to take his son 's hand , but his fingers passed right through the simularity field .
6 Trucks would come hurtling down the hill , their brakes would fail , and they 'd plough right through the wall and on into the field beyond .
7 The cause is a faulty ( or nonexistent ) thermostat not allowing hot water to circulate properly through the inlet manifold .
8 Then Julius glanced up at her , and for just an instant Jessamy seemed to see right through the protective shield with which he had surrounded himself .
9 it be known then for that squad just to go right through the gambit and become a fully fledged riveter 's squad and work for their days as a squad ?
10 The bang of the younger one 's heart seemed to go right through the earth like thundering horses .
11 I settled back in my seat , picked some dirt from my fingernails with a spare scythe blade , and whispered discreetly through the partition .
12 The Gazette reported their arrival in Fleetwood 's main street : ‘ The car with its brilliantly illuminated electrical devices , was a sight which overwhelmed the people in the street with astonishment , broken later by applause as the car passed slowly through the town to the terminus ’ .
13 He rode leisurely through the Forest , and across the Plain of the Fál , and finally along the avenue of trees that leads to Tara .
14 As they rode leisurely through the thyme-scented , bee-humming air , Rincewind pondered on the experiences of the last few days .
15 It can occur much earlier , but the peak danger period for the disease generally begins from the early part of July , and may persist right through the growing season until the big temperature drops of late autumn upset it .
16 The general rule is that problems which can not be solved at lower levels are referred upward through the organisation structure until the problem reaches an official with enough authority and power to solve the problem .
17 And with a wave Glenda Grower remounted and rode stylishly through the gates .
18 Yanto 's mind was busy as he meandered slowly through the leafy lanes towards Purton .
19 Within a quarter of an hour Thomas was back , hugging himself with pleasure in his own cunning , and they passed together through the little door , and drew it to again after them .
20 Lindsey read swiftly through the notes .
21 Yeah well , we got halfway through the vote .
22 But the fundamental point for me was that it involved a positive recognition of my identity and mutual recognition of our identities and that made it much easier to form more personal sorts of relationships on various social levels with other people you met naturally through the things you were doing , whether it was political or social or whatever .
23 ‘ Whilst undertaking a textbook undershoot , the aircraft passed gently through the end of a cornfield , then a rather thick hedge , through the rough end of the strip and then hit this ******* great hare , spun round and turned over .
24 The final alignment began at Haifa Bay , passed overland through the Jezreel and Bet Shean Valleys , and followed the Jordan Rift Valley southwards until it reached the northern shore of the Dead Sea .
25 Parliamentary sovereignty was felt to be compatible with the rule of law primarily because ‘ the commands of Parliament … can be uttered only through the combined actions of its three constituent parts ’ and that , ‘ unlike a sovereign monarch who is not only a legislator but a ruler , that is , head of the executive government , has never hitherto been able to use the powers of the government as a means of interfering with the regular course of law ’ .
26 One was headed ‘ Science Goes Too Far ! ’ and Mike skimmed swiftly through the heavy black print .
27 She had never travelled alone through the forest at night before .
28 And then , as if the slight sound which had broken from her throat was a signal , he quickly scooped her up in his arms , wading swiftly through the shallow water towards the sandy shore .
29 It could be said that from the point of view of social research , the world only exists as data and data can exist only through the interpretations placed on materials gathered from the world .
30 He did n't listen to the sales talk , he wandered slowly through the rooms , aware that Mary Rose was showing far too much enthusiasm if he was going to knock the price down .
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