Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [to-vb] that " in BNC.

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1 He may prefer only to claim that they apply once ethical language and judgement are understood in the way he recommends .
2 She picked up the bag , checked inside to see that everything was still there , and was about to confiscate the switchblade when she heard the sound of a police siren in the distance .
3 Do not do as I did and arrange to work only to find that the childminder changes her mind within the first few days .
4 I want only to suggest that however closely those match , however complete they are , therefore , in the pairs they form , they all also work as imagines of the writer 's relation to language , now confident , now uncertain , now lonely , now roistering and so on .
5 But this is to anticipate the argument ; for the moment I want only to observe that a conception of the self as socially and/or metaphysically constituted produces one idea of transgression , and that of the self as ideally ( if not actually ) unified and autonomous , quite another .
6 It may even come as a surprise to some to learn that fish and chips is opaque at all ; but one needs only to consider that not any kind of fish , nor any method of cooking and presentation , will qualify for the description , and that this is not true of , say , chips and fish or even fish with chips , both of which are transparent .
7 This simple rule , embodied in the Rights of Way Act , which on its wording at least applies to ways by water as well as land , states that to recognize a way as public one needs only to show that it has been freely and openly used by the public for 20 years .
8 One has only to mouth that thought to recognise its absurdity .
9 Johnny 's double standards , and his entrenched belief in the superiority of the male , had led her into an angry tirade of defence designed only to prove that she was exactly the cheap little tart that he so obviously thought her.Their relationship seemed to be increasingly an exercise in one-upmanship : my time 's better than yours ; so there !
10 Someone must have come indoors to turn that light on .
11 However , disappointment set in when we ventured home to find that the packaging contained a guitar , a separate tremolo and guarantee which was to be mailed to the USA .
12 Some writers appear still to feel that the criterion remains one of recognition by the government of this country , the difference being that , whereas before 1980 the government would say expressly whether it recognised the foreign government , now it is to be left to be ascertained as a matter of inference : see Professor J. Crawford ‘ Decisions of British Courts during 1985–86 involving questions of Public or Private International Law ’ ( 1986 ) 57 B.Y .
13 A realistic genre has less obtrusive conventions , but still has always to recognize that it can never evoke as real unless the audience welcomes rather than shrinks from the awareness .
14 It is worth checking carefully to ensure that the links links are strong ones .
15 But there is a partial definition of ‘ appropriates ’ in clause 3(1) , which is included partly to indicate that this is the familiar concept of conversion but also for particular reasons later to be mentioned .
16 He has also to appreciate that as supervising officer his position within the building contract is unique in that he often has responsibilities to both his client and the contractor .
17 It has also to establish that there are no reasons against its acceptance which defeat the reasons for the authority .
18 It is vitally important that canister filters are packed fairly loosely and maintained correctly to ensure that the correct amount of water reached the pump impeller .
19 After being mobbed by local rugby fans Botha said : ‘ We have come here to prove that we are all equal and our rugby is unified . ’
20 I and others hesitate even to mention that a particular species is rare in case it causes a demand to develop , even among our colleagues .
21 We notice the past tense : Wordsworth has omitted here to mention that these small proprietors depended on the cottage industries , which were taken away when the factory system had become established , so that in Wordsworth 's lifetime the statesmen declined .
22 All this was indeed ‘ daring ’ stuff and few moviegoers in that 1914–16 period could have failed to appreciate that the messages were coming at them thick and fast as the motion-picture industry tried hard to prove that it was a mature social agency .
23 The Act of 1988 was designed precisely to ensure that the fish quotas allocated to the United Kingdom actually enured to the benefit of persons for whom they were intended .
24 In February or March , when spring was waiting to burst out but the trees were still leafless and the earth grey and cold , Sophia used sometimes to pretend that she was in Italy — not necessarily in a beautiful or famous part but perhaps in some obscure little town in the Alban Hills or a dusty coastal village between Naples and Sorrento .
25 The other two cases are included primarily to emphasize that a wide variety of phenomena is contained within the Lorenz equations , although , since yet further variety can be obtained by varying r/r c and b , they can do so only by example .
26 It was reported in yesterday 's press , however , that North Korea has now agreed to the principle of the nuclear-free Korean peninsula , although it has yet to confirm that it will open up its nuclear installations at Yongbyon and any underground sites to inspection .
27 Bowe , they say , who does impressions of Stevie Wonder , Bill Cosby and Ronald Reagan that could earn him a different sort of starring role on the Vegas Strip , has yet to prove that he 's more than a clever impersonator of a heavyweight champion .
28 To date chief executive Papows has managed to stop Cognos going into a terminal decline , but has yet to prove that he can lead the company into a higher growth pattern .
29 Muller , however , is surprised to find himself in the company of players he once idolised , and he has yet to recognise that he is about to become a similar figure .
30 The Allocations Office maintains a register of approved board lodgings and self-catering bedsits , all of which are inspected before inclusion in the register and visited subsequently to ensure that correct standards are being maintained .
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