Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Answer : Levi has said he plays professionally only so that he can indulge his other interests .
2 And especially if they planned to go somewhere else today .
3 The alternative interpretation , that the heterogeneity in society is being more widely felt , and as a result family life is becoming less parochial , is heard rather less frequently .
4 Father Anstruther , the former vicar who lived rather too near , was to do duty for the time of Mark 's absence — not an entirely satisfactory arrangement but the best that could be made .
5 A fair bit of pressure is needed to get the chips securely seated and a broken motherboard tends to perform rather more slowly than a complete one !
6 But now the taller one , who looked older , was gazing rather ostentatiously away .
7 The men and women of Mandru 's household interacted rather more freely than was common among the upper class of Shanariah .
8 Judging from early games in this country , and especially by the dreadful Leicester v England match , our referees are going by the book and will blow rucks and mauls dead far more quickly .
9 It tends to happen if too high a potency ( that is , too strong a potency ) is given , and the symptoms are brought out or exteriorized rather too quickly for the body to handle comfortably .
10 Whereas the serial usage of Example 139 ( the same series in each voice ) easily avoids the occurrence of octaves , octaves are formed only too easily when we use different forms together , as on the second quaver of the last bar , where all voices sound D or E♭ .
11 so hopefully she 'll give me a cheque next week he does n't get frightened so easily now does he ?
12 Local government capital expenditure is ‘ cash limited ’ , but current expenditure is cash limited only as far as the overall total of the Rate Support Grant ( RSG ) 3 is concerned .
13 We need to go only as far as eqn ( 2.21 ) .
14 Although it was only ten miles direct , it would be fully half that again by the route planned ; and they would be able to go only very slowly , in the darkness .
15 Tiller was mad ; he never forgave me but Jennie just said , ‘ Perhaps Bella does n't want to go so far away . ’
16 Even in the new Latin America , it seems , the commitment to free trade goes only so far .
17 Half term week goes so fast so of all the things we were gon na do this week .
18 Why is it that when Ken Livingstone ( Political column , 1 May ) , one of the wittiest sparks in the rather dullish firmament of contemporary Labour , leaves the safe sound-bite pages of the Sun and ventures his hand at joined-up paragraphs , he goes so badly awry ?
19 The third country in Panama still belongs all too obviously to the United States .
20 It was not a whistle that could have come from human lips , but a chilling scalpel shriek he had heard only once before in the Fifth Dominion , when , some two hundred years past , his then possessor , the Maestro Sartori , had conjured from the In Ovo a familiar which had made such a whistle .
21 Yeah I would s I would guess so or I would think so as well .
22 I would think so , I hope so but I would think so as well
23 ‘ This goes much too far . ’
24 Pricing restraints are treated much more harshly than non-price restraints .
25 Though the races are obviously the centre point of the tour , Lanzarote 's Club La Santa offers much more besides .
26 The tendency to see only as far as the limit of particular function .
27 They got only as far as the gate of Cell Block 6B .
28 Unfortunately these conditions also much reduced their rate of march and they got only as far as Polmood , for they were now in the high uplands of the infant Tweed and the going difficult at the best of times .
29 Tree-living kangaroos got only as far as New Guinea .
30 No other hypocrites in Shakespeare gain so much so quickly , so easily , and can afford to drop pretence so fast .
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