Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [vb pp] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Gradually film production became their main preoccupation , but only Cecil Hepworth became sufficiently involved to continue after the industry had hit its first crisis .
2 They all agreed to this , and they became so occupied looking for ivy on the walls alongside the lane that they did n't see two boys suddenly come racing round the bend just by Miss Miggs 's cottage .
3 ‘ We 're very sorry about poor 'Annah passin' on , so we thought we 'ad better come to pay our respects . ’
4 A small chorus has applauded such a shift in resources , arguing that prohibition of drugs will always fail so long as Americans remain so determined to get hold of them .
5 However , the Code is very persuasive for a number of reasons : ( 1 ) Any company listed on the London Stock Exchange which does not comply with the Code can have its listing suspended or withdrawn ( although the Panel has rarely had to use this sanction and it can have the effect of injuring innocent shareholders ) .
6 With his splendid physique and proud , noble head his presence is such as to give him an instant advantage over any bowler , and he has rarely failed to put that advantage to use ; spinners in particular have suffered at his hands , but when he decides that he wants to score runs it is virtually impossible to bowl to him .
7 Psychology has rarely tried to correct this bias .
8 The outcome is that an industry which has skilfully managed to convert a chemical with meagre medical justification and considerable potential for harm ( Grinspoon and Hedblom 1975 ) into a legitimate drug , remained free from federal control to go on manufacturing , distributing , and advertising it .
9 They could spell the end of national wage agreements and the sinking of clinical grading before it has properly begun to swim .
10 Describing himself as ‘ very wary of the concept of history ’ , Derrida has rather attempted to shift the problem away from the conceptual analysis of history as an ‘ Idea ’ which , perhaps more than anything else , has proved to be Hegel 's most enduring legacy , towards an analysis of the interstices in the implications of the general system in which it operates .
11 After describing the controversies about the teaching of grammar in the past , the article continues : ‘ Common sense has since begun to prevail .
12 Until recently it also supplied M & N Norman Timber , but this company has since stopped taking mahogany from Maginco on environmental grounds .
13 Dr Schumacher has since joined TRANSAID as a London-based director .
14 It has since grown to include dealing in all the major currencies , and become particularly important when oil price rises created huge world surpluses and deficits .
15 The publishing and printing house has since grown to become self-financing , with a staff of 214 employees and an output of over 850 titles a year .
16 Hodkinson 's defeat was only his second loss in 24 contests and he has since vowed to regain his title .
17 San Diego Zoo expressed interest in buying two pairs of hoolock gibbons from him — but has since reassured IPPL that the sale will go ahead only if the animals are genuinely captive-bred .
18 Fairly good evidence has since appeared to show that Burt faked his results in order to bolster his case , although he still has some apologists .
19 Its initial growth was interrupted by the subdued stock trading that followed the 1987 stock market crash , though it has since resumed to trade in reasonable volumes .
20 The Latin America Institute has since expanded to become ‘ the largest , and probably the most prolific , research centre devoted exclusively to Latin America in the world , with over one hundred full-time researchers ’ ( Blasier : 1983 , p. 171 ) .
21 The family has since continued to search for Nuri ‘ Abd al-Karim and his sons at various detention centres , police stations , prisons and hospitals but the three remain ‘ disappeared ’ .
22 The project has since floundered leaving the local ratepayers with a bill of £6 million and a measly ‘ splash ’ pool in which to drown their sorrows .
23 ( Fashanu has since attempted to visit the Yorkshire Ripper , Peter Sutcliffe , without success . )
24 He joined the East and North Yorkshire Badger Protection Group , which has over 500 families in it , and has since helped to form an umbrella group for Stokesley and district , of which he is chairman .
25 Hall 's office at Dalhousie is decorated with souvenirs of the drilling expeditions he has since helped organise .
26 The Home Office handed the BBC that monopoly only last year and the BBC has since agreed to pay a British satellite consortium , Unisat , £22 million to use satellites to make use of its supposed monopoly .
27 The European Community ( EC ) has since agreed to stabilise or reduce emissions by 2000 .
28 Every failing that we pointed out has since proved to exist : those failings have emerged every year since its implementation .
29 In a press statement , visiting Capital House Chief Executive Norman Riddell — who has since left to join Invesco Europe as Chief Executive — and the Manx subsidiary 's Managing Director Bob Straskiewicz said that Capital House was a truly world-wide operation .
30 I get the impression that the disappearance last year of Sounds and Record Mirror caused more than a slight fluttering in the dovecote and that the paper has since tended to concentrate more on This Week 's Sensation and less on the diverting things going on on the fringe .
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