Example sentences of "[verb] [noun pl] look for " in BNC.

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1 It is important to encourage children to look for clues , and to realise that some small detail ( a crest on the side of a coach , for instance , or a sign above a shop ) may have an important bearing on the story or meaning of the picture .
2 The questions given above under " Groupwork " are intended to encourage trainees to look for evidence as to the effectiveness of the technique and the teacher 's use of it .
3 Police frogmen have been searching lakes looking for a weapon … believed to be a six inch blade .
4 Many bright ideas — and failed ideas looking for a second lease on life — are being put forward as ways of converting weapon-grade plutonium into a form too awkward for the weapon-minded to bother with .
5 Geoffrey Miller , an independent estate agent in Tavistock , Devon , confirms this trend : ‘ There has certainly been much more activity in the market in recent months , particularly cash buyers looking for bargains . ’
6 It was not at all certain , then , how he would fare against the younger breed of highly professionalized butlers looking for posts .
7 ‘ We spent months looking for ideas that would appeal to us , ’ he remembers .
8 I spent years looking for the answer , and what I found was somewhat unexpected .
9 there was one bloke over in erm tha you know , with a man la , that I used to work with and he , he used to fly from Hollies , and he lost his plane one day and fle , flew out of range and er he he spent weeks looking for it !
10 ‘ We have spent months looking for someone to lead our efforts , ’ he said .
11 In India , it is still believed that certain people are able to assume the shape of a manticore , which then circles villages looking for human prey .
12 Are they just moaning minnies looking for excuses ?
13 In the air-conditioned House of Commons , set in the English climate , and with the long recess allowing members to look for long hot beaches , such a plagiarism illustrated how not to employ catch-phrases of the day .
14 So what do employers look for in graduates ?
15 This will alternate between contracts put out to tender and listing companies looking for joint ventures , partners , distributors , agents and so on .
16 What features in the rocks do geologists look for when they hope to find natural gas deposits ?
17 ‘ You do tend to get thugs looking for a fight trying to join up for my classes , that 's why you have to be very selective . ’
18 During his biking years , Hill was often used as a despatch rider and toured businesses looking for sponsorship for his racing career .
19 I mean you think about primal hunting adults like the bushmen or the Australian Aborigines , the the men do the , do the hunting for erm for meat and women do the , do the gathering for and the point is that er meat is very nutritious and it 's an important part of their diet and men go hunting and they come back and they share food with their wives and their relatives or someone and male parental investment is terribly important So women for instance if you ask David McKnight who 's a world authority on the Australian Aborigines and has spent many years living with them , say what do women look for in the traditional society , what do women look for in a husband ?
20 I mean you think about primal hunting adults like the bushmen or the Australian Aborigines , the the men do the , do the hunting for erm for meat and women do the , do the gathering for and the point is that er meat is very nutritious and it 's an important part of their diet and men go hunting and they come back and they share food with their wives and their relatives or someone and male parental investment is terribly important So women for instance if you ask David McKnight who 's a world authority on the Australian Aborigines and has spent many years living with them , say what do women look for in the traditional society , what do women look for in a husband ?
21 What strengths do examiners look for in an exam answer ?
22 The police had warrants to look for evidence of unlawful drinking and to search five houses for petrol bombs , although no evidence of either was found .
23 The shareholder profile ( eg entrenched family holdings , owner-managers approaching retirement age or venture capitalists looking for an exit )
24 People say they become imperceptive ; they spend hours looking for the car keys that were on the table in front of them all the time ; they become preoccupied and inattentive to what other people are saying to them ( ‘ But I told you the Smiths were coming over yesterday .
25 He says : ‘ As the recession deepened clients looked for a greater degree of measurability and a lower investment requirement .
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