Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [verb] some " in BNC.

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1 During the Sixties and Seventies the systems gradually improved , the computer parts got more powerful and cheaper and it even became possible to get some sort of an idea as to what the page might look like .
2 The mid-West systems integrator , which specialises in servicing and supporting Sun workstations , looks set to inject some new life into the lacklustre compatible market , promising not only a ‘ true clone ’ of Sun 's Sparcstation 10 workstation — within a month of Sun 's first superscalar deliveries — but also an intermediate Sparcstation 10 IPX system , an offering Sun is also thought to be mulling , and Sparcservers too .
3 Law personally conducted the negotiations with Gardner Sinclair over the sale of the Observer and the Pall Mall Gazette in 1914 ; this negotiation also demonstrates that , as well as producing information and nursing editors , the party had to work hard to keep some of the newspapers in business .
4 Ehret senior possessed some artistic skill and he encouraged his son in both pursuits , urging him to travel .
5 Washington even seemed prepared to go some way towards meeting the desire of the USSR to revise the treaties relating to the rights of passage by warships through the Straits between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean — an issue with a long and complicated history reaching back into tsarist times .
6 Can she have seen fit to pursue some errand of blessing elsewhere ?
7 With the two crux pitches of VII apparently behind us , it seemed reasonable to expect some hidden jugs , as the guide promised moves of VI- .
8 Preferably an ex 39 Squadron member or any ex-RAF personnel who might feel able to dedicate some time to assisting the Group 's efforts at North Weald .
9 Although standards for cycle track construction were set as part of the 1975 Act , it was felt necessary to provide some demonstration projects to give local authorities guidelines on costs , approaches to particular problems , and above all to demonstrate how an entire cycle route might be created .
10 It suddenly seemed necessary to stake some claim openly .
11 It is to be hoped that the outcome of consultations on policy on the abuse of market power will result in legislative proposals along the lines of Article 86 , to join the existing White Paper proposals for an Article 85-type law on restrictive practices , and that the government will see fit to give some priority to legislation .
12 It was thought advisable to take some small place in the country for the benefit of our health …
13 Shopwatch only started at the beginning of the year but is already proving effective deterring some casual shoplifters .
14 Fundamental differences were reported between those G-7 states willing to consider some financial assistance in the near future , especially Germany , and those , notably the USA and Japan , which opposed any substantial financial aid .
15 It sounds crazy to think some Jap mother might see a diaper floating down out of the sky lit up by flares and fires and grab it to put on her crying baby .
16 But if there is someone else waiting with you , and you feel shy doing some of the more noticeable ones , disappear to the cloakroom for a few minutes and do them there .
17 Feel free to add some minor magical trinkets such as stone hedgehog paperweights which snuffle about and catch bugs , self-lighting hookahs , or similar minor flourishes .
18 I would have like to see some attempt to error-trap the data input routine , but help with record location is good and editing is easy , so reliance on the good sense of the computer operator should be a feasible proposition .
19 Removing the wide-body aircraft will force American to cut some routes and possibly some hubs by summer , reversing nearly a decade of growth .
20 It is as if speakers feel obliged to offer some personal warrant for the statements they will make about the world .
21 After the surgery Donal had speech therapy and felt able to do some work .
22 Even the National government and the Conservative Party leadership felt obliged to pay some attention to a movement with which they had little sympathy ; they frequently referred to pacifist feeling as a reason for slow rearmament and later for " appeasement " of Germany and Italy .
23 In the event it proved possible to release some of these funds as the proportional receipt of subscriptions improved later in the year .
24 So far as adult education is concerned it would seem reasonable to expect some significant response to the women 's movement given the close association between adult education and popular political movements in the formative years , and also because women constitute the majority of students , in current adult education provision .
25 The newspaper slowly unfolded itself on the mat , flopping open to reveal some glossy law magazine that had been placed inside .
26 Follow this , bearing left to reach some small ruined buildings and a water race .
27 It becomes necessary to interpose some further principle — that it must somewhere , under a constitution , be possible to legislate on everything , at least in theory .
28 ‘ How long have you known my brother ? ’ she asked politely , feeling driven to make some effort at conversation .
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