Example sentences of "[verb] [art] same and " in BNC.

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1 Some things needed to change , but some needed to remain the same and I usually found myself in this place pulling at the forces of change as a child might pull at the reins of a runaway horse .
2 It must be stressed that the concept of The Smiths will remain the same and the group will continue to promote their forthcoming single and album releases and are eager to plan live dates once a new guitarist has been selected . ’
3 Centre manager Susan Nicol said the management team would remain the same and there would be no noticeable difference to shoppers or tenants in the way Cameron Toll was run — although it was hoped the new owners would invest in a facelift for the centre .
4 If a card is introduced [ which will depend on developments in technology not yet available ] the rules will remain the same and the total amount of discount available will be limited .
5 The claims of the kingdom of God dictate that all people must be treated the same and be held in the same esteem .
6 To attract the best patrons the movie-houses had to ape the conventions and the standards of theatres and opera-houses but very quickly the whole industry realized that the appeal of the movie palaces was not unrelated to the fact that all customers had to be treated the same and so they became temples of a new classlessness .
7 They 'll be treated the same and have their qualifications recognised .
8 To say that the other can remain absolutely other , that he enters only into the relationship of conversation , is to say that history itself , an identification of the same , can not claim to totalise the same and the other .
9 Bottle-wrack looks the same and grows in the same straggly way .
10 When Robert McFarlane was charged with withholding information from Congress about diverting arms sale funds to the Contras , Reagan openly joked that he had done the same and withheld information from Congress .
11 A marriage based mainly on likeness can be in trouble when too easy an assumption is made that the other must feel the same and when inevitable differences emerge and can not be tolerated .
12 We are certain that you will feel the same and we want you to try a Goblin Steamatic with a special money back guarantee .
13 Because I 'm on T.V. I have to keep it looking the same and so it 's trimmed every five to six weeks .
14 Erm and I 've said further on that erm some could have afford to stay out but that 's they we 're not all built the same and erm we must avoid that at all cost .
15 I day-dreamed that I could do the same and we would sit together unashamed in the afternoon sun .
16 I told her that I was surprised at that because my Mum had said the same and I had n't believed her .
17 That means that you will be able to run an application on a number of different processors and have it look the same and work the same on each machine .
18 Reading an article in a trade journal reminded me of how far behind we are in the use of fluids in this country , by embalmers whose end product never varies and , therefore , their cases look the same and last the same , and funnily enough the noses and around the mouths grey off — the eternal question again !
19 Where a person enters into a covenant to pay sums to another person for a period which can not exceed six years those amounts shall be treated as the income of the person who is paying the same and not the income of any other person ( TA 1988 , s660(1) ) .
20 We 've still got the same and the dining one
21 And then when I got er old enough I used to go in the gang like the men , and er get the same and piece work we were working loading the ships .
22 Okay and you we all get the same and it comes to three sixty .
23 If you change your beliefs but your life stays the same and you feel the same , then you have n't really changed those beliefs , or perhaps more deeply rooted beliefs are blocking you .
24 So if your resistance stays the same and we keep increasing the voltage at some stage you say ooh it feels tingly
25 Todd Swank , of Foundation , then decided to do the same and only retain his street skaters together to make a really small team .
26 If you do want to enjoy a one-to-one relationship of a companionable or romantic nature there are various ways one can make contact , other people who want to do the same and they need not have marriage as an aim if that is not what you want .
27 Alternatively , make for Tower Bridge , but time is again of the essence as huge numbers of loving relatives and friends will try to do the same and space is limited .
28 I thought what a good idea it would be for me to do the same and I kept this in mind .
29 Let's get the message over , let's go without one congress and I know that 's near to John 's heart and request the other unions , A E U , U C A T , T N G , request the T N , T U C to do the same and then plaster over every bus in Britain , the G M B's policy .
30 All the other voices around me were saying the same and the distant peal of the convent bell mingling , not incongruously , with the cry from the minaret went unheeded .
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