Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun pl] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 We checked out hundreds of hotels but only found thirty-five or forty that met the basic-facilities criteria .
2 In 1943 he was seconded from the army to advise on how to reorganize the munitions factories .
3 Kim Il Sung may have feared rumblings of discontent at the money spent on building the sports arenas and on entertaining delegates to the Festival .
4 Regulators like these restrictions because it makes it easier to monitor the risks banks are taking ; bankers object to the extra cost .
5 well Brian will then needs twenty and I need about twenty as well , so cutting , you know the hill gate , the , the erm , the houses , you know as you go into the park , passed the Joiners Arms , you know those houses up there .
6 Environmentalists now say that a completely new transport policy is essential to curb the effects vehicles are having on our planet .
7 Because of this asymmetry of information , expectations differ between suppliers and demanders , a fact we recognize by indexing the expectations terms by s and d for suppliers and demanders respectively .
8 Rachel , perfectly dignified in her dressing-gown , made the firemen cups of tea .
9 The functions were implemented using the SPIRES Protocols language .
10 However , it is possible to construct hedges ( completely in theory but only partially in practice ) against most exchange risks by using the futures markets .
11 In experiments using the within-subjects designs of fig. 5.3 or of Table 5.1 ( e.g. Grice 1965 ; Reese 1972 ; Honey and Hall 1989c experiment 3 ) , initial training involves three stimuli , two , A and B , being treated in the same way and the third , C , being associated with a different outcome .
12 It may now be an internal statement applying an accepted but unstated rule of recognition and meaning ( roughly ) no more than ‘ valid given the systems criteria of validity ’ .
13 Frolik certainly did expose some real spies including Nicholas Praeger , who had given the Czechs details of the RAF 's electronic counter-measures equipment codenamed Blue Diver and Red Steer .
14 With many smiles , they were enticed to sample the sardinhas grelhadas from this smoking barbecue , to choose this table , to patronise this establishment which , it was winsomely claimed , provided the choicest view of the sparkling blue mouth of the Arade river .
15 The other , in January 1909 , was a report from Thomas to the effect that five of the hydraulic cylinders which operated the portcullis gates had been cracked by frost .
16 The Department of Trade and Industry ( as it had become ) was responsible for giving exemption from the Moneylenders Acts , could intervene if HP companies were misbehaving , and operated the terms controls decided on by the Treasury .
17 Do we aid the overstretched budget — deny the children books and equipment in order to engage outsiders to do it and in so doing lose the rapport so carefully built with our staff ?
18 It is a reflection of sound management and a commitment to easing the homes crises in this town . ’
19 We have tried to list the connections existing across contributions in this discourse fragment to emphasise the ways speakers make what they 're talking about fit into a framework which represents what we ( as discourse participants ) are talking about in conversational discourse .
20 Take the High Road , which has been running for 13 years , does n't make the ratings tables because it is not slotted in a peak viewing time across the country .
21 She understands the disasters ladies encounter with co-ordination .
22 Rubinstein ( 1989 ) has pointed out that the introduction of trading in baskets of shares ( e.g. the shares in the S&P500 index or the Index Participation Units ( TIPs ) in the Toronto 35 index ) such as index participations , will lower the transactions costs of index arbitrage , so narrowing the no-arbitrage band .
23 While it would be nice to imagine an alternative history in which either Miss Black or Miss Irwin succeeded in organizing the women compositors , who then ended up with a reading-room full of the encyclopaedias they had themselves typeset , it was not to be .
24 The Board asked the applicants questions arising from information possessed by the Board , but did not disclose the source of the information .
25 VISCOUNT CAVE L.C. : No doubt there is an absolute unconditional obligation binding the police authorities to take all steps which appear to them to be necessary for keeping the peace , for preventing crime , or for protecting property from criminal injury ; and the public , who pay for this protection through the rates and taxes , can not lawfully be called upon to make a further payment for that which is their right …
26 The exercise of decomposing the system models will aid this process , progressively bringing the systems ideas closer to what can be observed in practice ; imaginative use of unsophisticated computer software can also help , particularly where the level of detail makes manual analysis impracticable ; simple matrices similar to those employed to good effect in many of the studies described in this book can also be of benefit ; not forgetting , of course , the significant value of discussing ideas with experienced staff from the organisation being studied .
27 By completing the observations parents may redefine the problem .
28 We hate : The Blues Brothers ; people who like The Blues Brothers ; people who think it 's cool to like The Blues Brothers ; people to have seen The Blues Brothers 20 times ; people who know every word of The Blues Brothers ; people who quote The Blues Brothers ; fake cover versions of Seventies soul classics .
29 Yeah , quite a variety , and then we got the drinks machines .
30 The houses claimed , however , that they had informed the Ministry of Finance of the payments in 1990 , and that the ministry had chosen not make the information public , preferring to instruct the securities houses to discipline those personnel responsible .
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