Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Remembering a scratch match played in 1879 , which had provided plenty of fun for both players and spectators , Bill Lister had an idea : ‘ Thinks I ta meself , if nobbut t' tradesmen cud be gotten together to play a match once a year , ah 'm sewer it wod goa , an' 'specially if it war ta tak' place at t' feast . ’
2 The latest posters advertise the police ball .
3 We checked out hundreds of hotels but only found thirty-five or forty that met the basic-facilities criteria .
4 I also met the police station er Sergeant and and after discussing further the matters with him erm then I was happy an armed operation was er was necessary .
5 Families favour the Arts Centre over bed and breakfast accommodation because it offers a greater privacy .
6 This extremely perceptive analysis of the institutional mind fits the police world like a glove , and recent elaborations in policing , along with its growth in the mainstream of the daily social process , supports Douglas 's contention ( ibid. ) that an institution which is dependent upon authority can only demand more of the same .
7 The modem software is Bitcom , which allows file transfers using most popular protocols and fits the modems spec well .
8 Mineral extraction and quarrying were the only other enterprises producing for more than immediate local demand , though practical considerations must generally have limited the distances stone could be transported .
9 In 1943 he was seconded from the army to advise on how to reorganize the munitions factories .
10 Already next season 's Ulster Senior Challenge Cup final has been brought forward a week to April 23 in order to accommodate the Lions party who will take in the game as part of their celebrations .
11 They confessed to such things as being in league with foreign powers , sabotaging economic projects , poisoning the workers food , causing railways accidents and plotting to assassinate Stalin .
12 Soon the stern anchor had been paid out and the Ariadne was back to where she had started , the buoy nudging the midships port side .
13 While he is generally careful to uphold the Politeness Principle , he wishes above all to preserve his own negative face .
14 Christie , who stormed to the 100 metres title in 9.96 seconds , was even quicker to condemn the authorities for allowing the drugs saga to reach the Olympics .
15 PC Whitehouse , 24 , had felt the car was allowing the police car to draw close .
16 It may happen when parents have indoctrinated their children , that is , laid down a set of beliefs without allowing the children freedom to think for themselves and to come up with their own reactions .
17 If they decide to kill the customs officer we 'll take our time over it , we 'll make it very difficult and very unglamorous .
18 That was more a reflection on Dead Certain 's ring rustiness than her stamina and Asmussen said : ‘ She 's a very good filly and I 'm sure she 'll stay the Guineas mile because she 's got such a lovely relaxed temperament . ’
19 Celest is n't the only unusual animal to have frequented the families living room … in the past they 've also enjoyed the company of a goat .
20 Celest is n't the only unusual animal to have frequented the families living room … in the past they 've also enjoyed the company of a goat .
21 We will be contacting the arts council with revised estimates showing the results of the grant standing still and with some views as to how the deficit can be reduced , ’ Mr Dunlop said .
22 Upon contacting the police station , that solicitor was told that C did not want a solicitor .
23 European Markets : Equities lose the earnings edge to cash
24 I have just one quibble : could we not consider naming the ships HMS Stewart , Lang and Forsyth in memory of three Ministers who , notwithstanding that good news , are likely not to be in office much longer ?
25 Kim Il Sung may have feared rumblings of discontent at the money spent on building the sports arenas and on entertaining delegates to the Festival .
26 It was a creature known in the Reconciled Dominions as a voider , one of a brutal species that haunted the wastes north of the Lenten Way .
27 Regulators like these restrictions because it makes it easier to monitor the risks banks are taking ; bankers object to the extra cost .
28 One elderly Palestinian in Beirut wanted to draw a map of his olive grove for me and spent ten minutes sketching and re-sketching the roads south of Jaffa .
29 well Brian will then needs twenty and I need about twenty as well , so cutting , you know the hill gate , the , the erm , the houses , you know as you go into the park , passed the Joiners Arms , you know those houses up there .
30 We passed the police sentry who grunted a sleepy greeting .
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