Example sentences of "[verb] [noun pl] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They fear plans to widen the availability of alcohol licenses could see off many traditional pubs .
2 A number of attempts to sue experts reached the law reports in the years before 1975 , but they invariably met the answer that the experts were " quasi-arbitrators " and therefore could not be sued .
3 Salvage experts extinguished a fire on an Iranian oil tanker early yesterday and stemmed a leak that had caused a 30-mile oil slick 100 miles off Morocco , a maritime official said .
4 His death-warrant bore 58 signatures , headed by that of John Bradshaw who , born in Marple in 1602 , may have attended the School in his youth ; however , if he did , it seems to have made but little impression on him , for in his will he made bequests to increase the Masters ' salaries at his other schools , Bunbury and Middleton , and to found a new school in Marple , without mentioning Stockport .
5 The scheme was set up to encourage a broader section of the public to buy works of art by living artists , thus opening up the art market while at the same time helping artists to earn an income .
6 Since then we have redirected plans to ease the burden on schools , given recognition to the increased work load for clerical staff and to the importance of the work they do .
7 All four sources also independently confirmed that on 9 December 1988 , Israeli Defence Forces had captured documents in a raid on a PFLP — GC base near Damour , Lebanon , which disclosed plans to bomb a Pan Am flight out of Frankfurt by the end of that month .
8 In Brussels yesterday NATO sources said the alliance had completed plans to enforce a no-fly zone over Bosnia , with the United Nations expected to approve the use of allied fighters this week to shoot down Serb or other planes flying over the republic .
9 NEXT MONTH Using ornaments to create a focal point in your garden
10 During pilgrim rushes , surging , struggling crowds filled the platforms and the waiting halls , and while the masses changed from one train to another the station was a Babel .
11 By contrast , the Federici range of dried pasta from Princes Catering Products emphasises the special water — from the famous Sangemini Springs — used in its manufacture .
12 Christina Tracey of the Forestry Commission said the routes have been ‘ carefully selected to enable cyclists to enjoy the most attractive forest scenery in safety and avoid areas which are often heavily used by walkers or forest traffic . ’
13 Among the European participants , the French regarded proposals to extend the proposed CSCM to include other Mediterranean countries as premature , whereas Italian and Spanish representatives envisaged the integration of the entire Mediterranean basin in such a structure .
14 They made plans to spend the day together .
15 They used the doctor 's appearance and concern as a reason for stopping the interview and made plans to return the next morning .
16 Conscious of our lack of truly integrated teaching sessions , and freshly inspired by a successful ‘ joint ’ activity weekend at a local Outward Bound Centre , we made plans to change the structure of one particular curriculum area .
17 Morrissey and Marr made plans to become the most important British musical force since The Sex Pistols .
18 In the week leading up to the anniversary pro-US legislators made plans to pass a Diet resolution expressing regret for the action .
19 In short , the phylogenetic basis of the id seems most definitely to be a set of basically egoistic and anti-social sexual and aggressive drives which cause all men to see each other as sexual rivals and which make sons desire the death of their fathers for possession of the mother and sisters .
20 Given that there is no universal consensus on the ideal police-community relationship , what sort of policing policies does a community need , and who is to decide this ?
21 The programmes concentrate on such visual tasks as pattern making and matching , perception of symmetry , perspective and discrimination of detail and describe materials to use in each area , besides suggesting activities involving the interpretation of communication through facial expression and body gesture .
22 The objects of the new system are to enable institutions to develop a greater degree of flexibility and autonomy , and to reduce the amount of paperwork both for them and the Council .
23 As the number of fossils increased , more and more examples of fairly continuous fossil sequences were discovered , allowing paleontologists to analyse the historical development of some groups with a fair degree of confidence .
24 Some Poor Law Guardians made attempts to enforce the new legal obligations which the 1834 Poor Law imposed on children to support their parents with money .
25 In the present situation , the ASEA could never be a remedy for the ‘ general wastefulness of industry ‘ ; instead , its proper role was in helping employers to get the right kind of boy , and boys to find the right kind of employer and to ensure that training was effective , both in terms of the workshop and of continued education .
26 Today we have less confidence than before in the power of more external , socially oriented ideologies to change the world .
27 HEIGHTENED tension in Natal province forced the ANC leader , Nelson Mandela , to cancel plans to attend the funeral of six children killed in an ambush ten days ago , African National Congress officials said yesterday .
28 Some of these changes may eventually affect institutions comprising the monetary sector .
29 Use levelling strips to provide the correct fall and to mark the required depth of sand .
30 The borough planning committee will be told today that the applicants have not completed proposals to improve the access from the A548 .
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